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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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(Is / Are) there any milk?
Is there any milk?
(Is / Are ) there any grapes?
Are there any grapes?
A Switch / expensive/ tea
A Switch is more expensive than tea.
History / interesting / math.
History is more interesting than math.
Math / difficult / science.
Math is more difficult than science.
Apples < Oranges
Apples are worse than oranges.
Basketball > Badminton
Basketball is better than Badminton.
The Bot Bots > The Spider Boys
The Bot Bots are better than the Spider Boys
Chinese is more (expensive / difficult) than English.
Baseball is more (popular / delicious) than soccer.
Fried rice is more (delicious / difficult) than noodles.
Fried rice is more (delicious / difficult) than noodles.
math / English / difficult
Math is more difficult than English.
cake / ice cream / delicious
Cake is more delicious than ice cream.
Is there any honey? (yes)
Yes, there is.
Are there any cupcakes? (x)
No, there aren't.
tell me the silent letter (k / w / b / t / h)
tell me the silent letter (k / w / b / t / h)
tell me the silent letter (k / w / b / t / h)
feed / don't / the / to / dog / have / we
We don't have to feed the dog.
the / he / to / plants / have / doesn't / water
He doesn't have to water the plants.
I / up / can / late / weekends / on / stay.
I can stay up late on weekends.