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EP6 Rattanakosin Kingdom-Quarter 3 Wrap Up

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King Rama IV is known as the "Father of _______ _ __________"
Science & Technology
How many years did King Mongkut live as a monk before becoming King Rama IV?
27 years
King Mongkut was the son of which Chakri King?
King Rama II
King Rama II had a nickname. What was it?
The Poet King
What was King Rama V's other name?
King Chulalongkorn
Which political party led the 1932 revolution?
The People's Party
Who was King during the 1932 Revolution
King Rama VII
Who was the last king of Ayutthaya?
King Ekkathat
What is regicide?
When someone kills a king or queen
King Rama I had a famous ancestor on his father's side. Who was he?
Kosa Pan-Ambassador to France from Ayutthaya
What year was the Second Fall of Ayutthaya
1767 CE
King Taksin was the only King of the ________ Dynasty & Kingdom.
What is the current ruling dynasty in Thailand?
Chakri Dynasty
Before he was known as King Rama I, he was called __________.
Which large river runs through central Thailand and has been the center of all large kingdoms throughout Thai history?
The Chao Phraya River
What is the Rattanakosin Kingdom?
The current kingdom of Thailand