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Fruits and vegetables

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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You will see this a lot in Halloween day and you will call it as Jack o' lantern
This is a plant with a round mass of pointed parts like leaves surrounding its flower that are eaten as a vegetable. What is this vegetable?
This is a fruit that is like a large orange, but has a yellow skin and tastes less sweet. What is this fruit?
This is a tropical fruit with thick, dark green skin with a large, round seed, and soft, pale green flesh that can be eaten. What is this fruit?
This is a very sweet orange tropical fruit. What is this fruit?
This is a fruit similar to a grapefruit but larger and sweeter, with pale green or yellow skin and white flesh. What is this fruit?
This is a type of melon (= large fruit with a thick skin) that is round and has yellow or green skin and sweet orange flesh. What is this fruit?
This is a yellow tropical fruit with smooth skin and five pointed, curved parts, making a star shape when you cut through it. What is this fruit?
This is a round, thick-skinned fruit containing a lot of red seeds and a lot of juice. What is this fruit?