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Revolutionary War Game 2

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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True or False - Boston Tea party was known as "The shot heard around the world."
False - Lexington and Concord, April 19, 1775.
True or False - The French and Indian War, The Stamp Act, Boston Massacre and The Boston Tea Party were causes of the Revolutionary War.
The French and Indian War was fought between the ____________colonies and the ____________.
American Colonies and the French
True or False - Ben Franklin was the first postmaster of General of the United States.
Virginia was the first colony and is was found in ______
In the Battle of Long Island, the British had 20,000 troops and America only had ______troops.
In the Battle of Yorktown, the British surrendered to the French but then the French made them surrender to ___________________
_______________was the general who led the Revoluntionary War.
George Washington
The Battle of Yorktown was the end of the last battle of the Revolutionary War October 19 ______
A _______________is a region of land tht is under the political control of another country.
True or False - African American slaves living in the 13 colonies were promised freedom by the British Rulers for joining them.
True or False - African American slaves did not fight in the Revolutionary War.
True or False - The Patriots were the ones rebelling against Great Britain.
True or False - The loyalists were the ones who opposed separating from Great Britain.
The money from the Stamp Act helped British rulers pay for
the war
The Boston Tea Party dumped 342 chests of tea into the Boston Harbor in protest against____________
the tax on tea.
______________sewed the first Stars and Stripes flag on June 14, 1775
Betsy Ross
On April 19, 1775 - the first shots of the Revolutionary War were fired at______
Lexington Massachusetts
The American Revolutionary War began when ___________ made his famous ride to warn the colonists that the "British Are Coming!"
Paul Revere
The Revolutionary War was between the 13 American colonies and ______
Kingdom of Great Britain