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U3L1 Vocabulary

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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If I like something I usually say . . . ___________________
If something tastes bad I say it is . . . .
You eat because you . . . ________________________
tener hambre
You drink because you . . .________________________
tener sed
Stores do this ______________________
If you are nice you do this. ________________________
This nutritious food can be purple, red, or green. They can be divine.
las uvas
This nutritious food can be red, gold, or green
la manzana
This is a general term for juice, milk, Sprite, coffee.
la bebida
This food is sometimes grilled and served with chips. It has ham and cheese in it. _________________________________
el sándwich de jamón y queso
This food can be tomato, chicken noodle, or wild rice. ________________________
la sopa
You usually drink this hot beverage in the morning. _____________________________
el café
This beverage is orange and really good for you. ___________________________
el jugo de naranja
This food is usually, white, wheat, rye, or multigrain. ________________________
el pan
You usually eat around 5PM - 8 PM. _______________________________
la cena
You usually eat this in a bowl with milk. ____________________________
el cereal
Me gusta comer _______________. (eggs)
los huevos
_____________ es a las doce de la tarde. (lunch)
el almuerzo
Cuando tengo ganas de ____________, yo como una banana o una manzana.
Cuando tengo sed me gusta beber . . . . (water)
el agua
It comes in chocolate, 2%, skim, and lactose free -
la leche
Blueberry, raspberry, strawberry- each of these are flavors of . . .
el yogur
Ham and cheese sandwich
el sándwich de jamón y quest
La leche, el agua, el jugo- are are types of......
la bebida
This meal is served in the morning
el desayuno
It is yellow and appealing.
la banana