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Cultural Icons/Elements of Culture

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Sign language and mime are classified as which type of communication?
The abbreviation EMAIL means
Electronic mail
List the FOUR main types of communication.
Verbal, non-verbal, written, and visual.
What is the parish capital of St James
Montego Bay
What is the parish capital of St Thomas?
Morant Bay
What is meant when the message is Implicit?
When the answer is hidden in the text
What is meant when the message is Explicit?
When the answer is obvious in the text
True/False If you find it online, it must be true.
True/False Information needed only comes from one source or method only.
True/False An information literate person should first understand the question to figure out the type of information sources he or she needed.
Give THREE examples of mass media?
magazines, newspapers, social media, books
True/False To Persuade means to convince someone to do or think something.
True/False A state is a synonym for a country
What is nationalism?
belief that loyalty is to your shared culture NOT a leader
The statement, ‘Every Child Can Learn, Every Child Must Learn’ is associated with which vision 2030 goal?
Goal 1 Jamaicans are empowered to achieve their fullest potential
Give the name of any TWO cultural icon
Ms. Lou,Allan Magnus, Usain Bolt,
True/False Facebook, twitter, tumblr, whatsapp and messenger are called social media
What is goal 4 of vision 2030
Jamaica has a healthy natural environment.
What is goal 2 of vision 2030
Goal#2 The Jamaican society is secure, cohesive and just.
List TWO Elements of culture.
Language and Literature Celebrations Architecture Food Sports Education Government
what is goal 3 of vision 2030?
Goal#3 Jamaica’s economy is prosperous
List TWO Elements of culture.
Architecture Food Sports Education Government Clothing Religion The Arts
What is goal 1 of vision 2030
Jamaicans are empowered to achieve their fullest potentia
Define the term culture.
the ways of life including arts, beliefs and institutions of a population that are passed down from generation to generation.