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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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She ______ _______ her umbrella and it is raining now. A) doesn't take B) hasn't taken C) haven't taken
B) hasn't taken
A wind sock shows both the _________ and the speed of the _________. A) direction/wind B) direction/water C) color/wind
A) direction/wind
These machines work with electrical energy: __________. A) washing machine and solar panel B) dishwasher and wind turbine C) TV and vacuum cleaner
C) TV and vacuum cleaner
This instrument shows the direction of the wind. What is it? A) wind vane B) rain gauge C) anemometer
A) wind vane
My friend and I ___________ this movie last Friday. A) have watched B) watched C) are watching
B) watched
This woman has got a glamorous life. What does glamorous mean? A) boring B) scary C) full of luxury
C) full of luxury
Omg! Did you make payment for this car? It is totally ____________. A) valuable B) expensive C) worthless
C) worthless
I _______ ________ fed the ducks. Why do you feed them again? A) have already B) has not C) have never
A) have already
It is too late. The train has _________ left. A) ever B) yet C) just
C) just
I closed my eyes, made a wish and blew the seeds of the _____________. A) rose B) wishbone C) dandelion
C) dandelion
The slightest error can have serious _____________. A) consequences B) sensible C) glamorous
A) consequences
She hasn't done her homework __________. A) ever B) yet C) last night
B) yet
Which energy sources can you see in this picture? A) Light - Thermal energy B) Renewable Energy C) Light - Electrical Energy
A) Light - Thermal energy
Which instrument measures rainfall? A) Wind vane B) Anemometer C) Rain gauge
C) Rain gauge
This vase is ordinary. It is totally ___________. A) worthless B) valuable C) luxurious
A) worthless
What do we use a thermometer for? A) To measure wind speed B) To measure temperature C) To measure rainfall
B) To measure temperature
A car engine turns ___________ energy into kinetic energy. A) solar B) chemical C) coal
B) chemical
Blowing out ______________ is a common tradition related to making wishes. A) shooting stars B) balloons C) candles
C) Candles
Look at the picture. What is it? A) An oil lamp B) A candle C) A wishbone
A) An oil lamp
________ you ever _______ (be) to Italy before? A) Have/were B) Have/been C) Did/be
B) Have/been
I __________ (go) to the cinema last night and I ________ (watch) a new movie. A)went-watching B) have gone-watched C) went-watched
C) went - watched