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Ch6 Animal we love

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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When is Poppy's birthday?
next week
In picture 8, Poppy says, "...I like it." What does 'it' refer to?
the rabbit
In picture 5, the dog is _____.
In the poster, how do the animal feel?
How many animal can they see in picture 8?
In picture 1, what do the cats have?
long tails
In picture 1, what does the horse have?
It has a long tail / a big mouth / long legs.
What is the girl's perfect pet?
a rabbit
In picture 2, what does Poppy what to have?
a pig
Is horse a pet or a farm animal?
a farm animal
In picture 1, what does Poppy what to have?
a horse