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U9 Review & Practice

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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My sister, that speaks French and Italian fluently, wants to be an interpreter.
My sister, who speaks French and Italian fluently, wants to be an interpreter.
Isn't that the place where you grew up?
Isn't that the place where you grew up?
The demonstration, had been going on for several days, is finally over.
The demonstration, which had been going on for several days, is finally over.
Did you hear exactly that he said?
Did you hear exactly what he said?
I think the name of the film that I'd like to see is Avatar
I think the name of the film that I'd like to see is Avatar
Steve works for a small company makes kitchen equipment
Steve works for a small company (which/that) makes kitchen equipment
Tim whose job involves a lot of travelling has offered to let us use his flat for a few weeks.
Tim, whose job involves a lot of travelling, has offered to let us use his flat for a few weeks.
We decided to stay at the Regina Hotel which some friends had recommended to us
We decided to stay at the Regina Hotel, which some friends had recommended to us
The young man who I spoke to has promised to give me a refund
The young man who I spoke to has promised to give me a refund
These are the apples which I picked from the tree in my garden
These are the apples which I picked from the tree in my garden
I'm going to spend a few days in Seville where I first met Raquel
I'm going to spend a few days in Seville, where I first met Raquel
I'm afraid I lost the book which she lent me
I'm afraid I lost the book which she lent me
There's no chance that he is serious about getting a dog (be) He...
He can't be serious about getting a job.
There's a chance my letter got lost in the post (get) My letter...
My letter might have got/gotten lost in the post.
I have no doubt that they are really pleased to be the winners (be) They...
They must be really pleased to be the winners
It's not possible that she's finished all her homework already (finish) She...
She can't have finished all her homework already
I'm sure she's shown me her holiday photos at least ten times (show) She...
She must have shown me her holiday photos at least four times
It's possible that she is at the station already. (be) She...
She might be at the station already
There's no chance that I left my gloves in the car. (leave) I ...
I can't have left my gloves in the car
It is possible he stayed late at the office. (stay) He...
He might have stayed late at the office