Edit Game
Aim high 2 - Units 5-7

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What are they?
Say 3 ways of greeting.
shaking hands, kissing, bowing
What are they doing?
They are holding hands.
The board has ______ the buy-back of 85,000 shares: a) authorized b) exiled c) censored
a) authorized
Complete: a troop of ..., a pride of ..., a pack of ...
a troop of monkeys, a pride of lions, a pack of wolves
What does 'soar' mean?
To rise high into the sky
To run after someone and try to catch
to chase
What is the synonym of 'to jump'?
To leap
Make words with the affixes: -phobe, phono-, tele-
technophobe, phonology, telescope
What is it?
an instamatic camera
Make adjectives from the nouns: medicine, future, muscle
medical, futuristic, muscular
What is the doctor doing?
He is prescribing.
He had already asked for permission to _______ the article: a) consume b) inject c) reproduce
c) reproduce
What is the synonym of 'whole'?
What are they?
What does 'shrink' mean?
To make something become smaller
What is the antonym of 'dream'?
What is the difference between 'window shopping' and 'browsing'?
window shopping - the activity of looking at products in store windows without buying them browsing- walking around a store looking at things without buying
Name four parts of a building.
a dome, an arch, a column, a terrace
What is it?
a lighthouse
A well-known building or object