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First Aid Review

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Four routes through which a poison can enter the body
Ingestion, Inhalation, Absorption, Injection
A term to describe a temporary reduction of blood flow to the brain. AKA Fainting
Which type of Diabetes is Insulin dependent where the body does not produce enough insulin for its needs
Type 1 Diabetese
Bleeding into the pleural space around the lungs is known as
Multiple rib fractures can result in a section of the rib cage breaking free from the surrounding tissues, a condition referred to as...
Flail Chest
When a major open wound occurs to the abdomen, abdominal organs may begin to protrude through the wound.
Stretching and tearing of muscle or tendon fibres
Partial or complete stretching or tearing of ligaments and other tissues at a joint
Compression depth in an adult patient is
2 inches
A condition when there is no electrical activity in the heart
When do we check for CMS when splinting?
before any movement and after the splint is applied.
The traction splint is used for what bone?
The best splinting for a shoulder injury is this.
Sling and swathe.
How many people are needed to splint properly?
At least 2
When a patient suffered an electrocution, which burn could be worse, the entrance or the exit?
Exit could be much worse
A patient with a chest injury who has absent lung sounds on the left, with hypotension and severe respiratory distress is suffer from this.
Tension pneumothorax
A patient showing signs and symptoms of shock should be treated with what 3-4 things.
High flow oxygen, blanket, and immediate transport. (bleeding control if needed)
A patient has a severe allergic reaction to eggs, after being exposed to eggs, the patient develops respiratory distress and an altered mental status, this patient can be diagnosed with what?
anaphylactic shock
This type of shock is caused by a severe infection.
Septic shock
Hypovolemic shock can be caused by these two things.
bleeding or dehydration
The primary skin color a patient in shock would exhibit is what?
Pale or pallor
In a severe bleed, a tourniquet should be placed when?
After direction pressure does not work.
Which type of bleeding is the worst?