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Making sandwich

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Washing hands before preparing sandwiches, is it a poor or good personal hygiene?
Good personal hygiene
Smoking in food areas, is it a poor or good personal hygiene?
Poor personal hygiene
We add lettuce as a garnish for sandwiches? True or False
What type of bread is this?
French bread/ Baguette
These are good and crunchy on sandwiches...
The first step in making sandwich is spreading Mayo or cheese? True or False
False, the first step is selecting bread type
You can spread this white condiment on sandwich bread...
This sandwich is made in which bread type?
what type of bread is this?
Whole wheat bread
what type of bread is this?
Pullman loaf
What kind of cheese can you put on sandwiches?
Cheddar, mozzarella, swiss cheese
what kind of meat can you put on sandwiches?
turkey, ham, salami, roast beef
You can spread this yellow condiment on sandwich bread....