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review of present perfect with irregular verbs

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Why has John _____________ already? (leave)
Why has John left already?
She has _____________ about this problem for three months. (know)
She has known about this problem for three months.
Had you _____________ of this band before you came to the USA? (hear)
Had you heard of this band before you came to the USA?
I've _____________ some money to Julia. (give)
I've given some money to Julia.
Have you ever _____________ Turkish coffee? (drink)
Have you ever drunk Turkish coffee?
Have you _____________ your university yet? (choose)
Have you chosen your university yet?
She'd _____________ a cake to the party, but we didn't eat it. (bring)
She'd brought a cake to the party, but we didn't eat it.
I'd _____________ a lovely new bike for my birthday, so I was keen to try it. (get)
I'd got a lovely new bike for my birthday, so I was keen to try it.
You have _____________ a lot of clothes recently. (buy)
You have bought a lot of clothes recently.
It had _____________ very cold, so we went inside. (become)
It had become very cold, so we went inside.
Don't worry, we haven't _____________ about the meeting. (forget)
Don't worry, we haven't forgotten about the meeting.
She has finally _____________ to see me. (come)
She has finally come to see me.
The birds have _____________ south for the winter. (fly)
The birds have flown south for the winter.
I've been looking for ages but I haven't _____________ my keys. (find)
I've been looking for ages but I haven't found my keys.
I'd _____________ my umbrella to John, so I got wet. (lend)
I'd lent my umbrella to John, so I got wet.
Are you okay? I've _____________ better. (feel)
Are you okay? I've felt better.
The books had _____________ off the table and were all over the floor. (fall)
The books had fallen off the table and were all over the floor.
By the time we arrived, the children had _____________ all the chocolate. (eat)
By the time we arrived, the children had eaten all the chocolate.
I have _____________ sick all week. (be)
I have been sick all week.
He has never _____________ a motorbike before. (drive)
He has never driven a motorbike before.
We have _____________ this secret for three years. (keep)
We have kept this secret for three years.
They have _____________ painting the living room. (begin)
They have begun painting the living room.
This was the first time she had _____________ her homework. (do)
This was the first time she had done her homework.
We've already_____________ lunch. (have)
We've already had lunch.
Julie wasn't at home. She had _____________ shopping (go)
Julie wasn't at home. She had gone shopping.