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Biology Final Exam Study Guide part 1

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Carrying capacity is determined by limiting ____________.
The accumulation of mutations within a population over time can result in changes to the _____.
Gene Pool
Which two kingdoms are prokaryotic?
Archaea and Bacteria
_____ is a standard way of identifying a species with a scientific two-word name.
Binomial Nomenclature
Create and complete a monohybrid cross for Rr with Rr. How many of the 4 offspring will have the rr genotype?
Though DNA is responsible for the instructions for the assembly process, it is _____ that synthesizes (assembles) the proteins.
What are the regions in DNA that contain the instructions that code for the formation of proteins?
Eukaryotic cells are thought to be the descendants of ancient prokaryotic communities. Which theory is in place to support this belief?
The Theory of Endosymbiosis
The diffusion of water is called _________
This organelle is called the powerhouse of the cell and it is where ATP is made
The Mitochondria
These holes on the underside of leaves allow for gas exchange for photosynthesis
An enzymes function depends on its ___________?
Name one element that is a key component of living cells (and there 6)
Name one property of water.
Cohesion, adhesion, high specific heat, the density anomaly, surface tension, pH of 7, universal solvent