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Christmas in Canada

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What is the Multiculturalism Act?
The Canadian Multiculturalism Act affirms the policy of the Government of Canada to ensure that every Canadian receives equal treatment by the government which
What is the day after Christmas called?
Boxing Day
What are Canada's official Languages?
English and French
How old is Canada?
154 years
What is the name of Edmonton's Famous Christmas light Display?
Candy Cane Lane
What do people do during the winter break?
Bonfires, Go see the lights display, skate outside, sledding, Santa Pictures
What is the name of the French Province of Canada?
Does Canada have a President, Prime Minister or Chancellor?
Prime Minister
What is Canada's Capital?
Name three Traditional Holiday Foods
Butter Tarts, Salmon, Nanaimo bars, Turkey
Name three Canadian Cities
Edmonton, Vancouver, Toronto, Montreal, St Johns
How many time zones does Canada have?
6 time zones