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Christmas vacation

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How the Griswald called the Cristmas: “ fun…………….family Christmas”
old - fashioned
What happened to an old lady when she saw the squirrel
She fainted
What was the song in the background when Clarh Griswald finally lighted the house?
What was the colour of the swimming costume of the attractive lady?
Why was the woman at the table crying?
Because when she was cooking the turkey she put it too early to the cooker
Where was Griswald when he was watching the video with Christmas memories
in the attic
When did the man in red gloves and a winter cap say : Bingo”
When Grisham hit the rubbish bin
When did Grisham say to children: "Don't try this at home kids"
When he was going to slide down
What shape did the Griswald's slide sledge have
round ( circular)
What was seen when they passed the armchair in the living room
the hole in the carpet
What was on the truck under which was Griswald's car