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What is the basic of hydrostatic and hydrodynamic ?
Pressure is directly proportional to----------.
normal force
Pressure is inversely proportional to----------.
unit area
For MKS , unit of pressure is ---------.
pascal (Pa)
For FPS, unit of pressure is ---------.
For meterological , unit of pressure is ---------.
hectopascal (hPa)
For medicine , unit of pressure is ---------.
mmHg / torr
Standard atmospheric pressure is ---------- atm .
1 atm
Is the density scalar or vector ?
What instrument is used to measure volume ?
measuring cylinder
What instrument is used to measure mass ?
Is the density important for all types of matter?
What depends on temperature , mass ,density or volume?
What can't change , density ,mass or volume ?
When can you float on the surface of water?
density of body < density of water
Relative density is also known as -----------.
specific gravity
At what temperature the density of water is maximum?
4 degree celsius
What is the relative density of copper which has density of 8.9 kg m/3 ?
What is the density of water at 4 degree centigrate for CGS system?
1 g cm/3
What is the density of water at 4 degree centigrate for MKS system?
1 000 kg m/3
Does relative density any units?
How many pascals in 1 atm?
1.013 * 10/5 Pa