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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is the most popular song to sing at Christmas?
We Wish You a Merry Christmas
What is the short form of Christmas?
What is the night before Christmas called?
Christmas Eve
What are you supposed to do under this?
Who is this?
Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer
What is in the gif?
gingerbread man
What are the little guys called that help Santa?
Where does Santa live?
The North Pole
Who is this?
Santa Claus
What are Christmas songs called?
What are they doing in the gif?
decorating the tree?
What Christmas food is in the gif?
candy cane
What meat is usually eaten at Christmas?
If you didn't properly hear your Individual Response question, what can you do?
You can ask to have the question repeated.
What is the total number of marks you can earn in Paper 4?
What should you do if other members are not speaking?
Try to get them to speak by asking them a question or rewording the ideas to help them.
Can you write any notes during the speaking exam?
If you are asked a question that starts with, Do you..., what is the first word you should say?
Yes or No
Where do many of the topics come from for the speaking paper?
From news reports, newspapers, television news
How long is the individual response?
1 minute
How many minutes should each candidate approximately speak?
2 minutes
How many minutes do you have to prepare your notes?
10 minutes
What should you ask before moving to the next point?
Does anyone have anything else to add?
What has to happen before you can move to the next point?
Everyone needs to make a comment about the current point being discussed.
What should you say when you want to know another member's ideas?
What do you think? or How about you?
How should you refer to members of your group discussion?
Candidate A, B, C or D