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Christmas recap of BE 2021-2022

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Name one idea that you are taking with you from the past 4 months of BE
(your answer)
Name one idea that you are taking with you from the past 4 months of BE
(your answer)
Name 3 (out of the 10) principles of fair trade.
Creating Opportunities for Economically Disadvantaged Producers; Transparency and Accountability; Fair Trading Practices; Fair Payment; No Child Labor and Force
What is “Business Sustainability 3.0” according to Thomas Dyllick, Professor of Sustainability Management at the University of St.Gallen (Little Green Bags video)?
active contributions to sustainability / ‘outside in’ thinking
What does “stakeholder” mean?
Any party interested in the activities of a given organization
How do “carbon markets” function?
they put a price on carbon to incentivize businesses to reduce their emissions, they allow “offsets”
How can we show if carbon was produced by burning fossil fuels?
It has a distinctive chemical signature that tree rings and polar ice both record.
How can scientists reconstruct temperature fluctuations from before humanity started recording them?
Tree rings, ice cores, lake sediments and corals all record a signature of the past climate.
David Attenborough says nature is a key ally against global warming. What does he mean by it?
If we increase reforestation, it will help reduce CO2 in the atmosphere
According to David Attenborough, what natural phenomenon helped the creation of human civilization as we know it now?
a stabilization of the carbon concentration in the atmosphere
What is greenwashing?
A company’s attempt to look more environmentally friendly than they really are
What is the difference between “phasing out” / “phasing down” carbon?
gradually discontinue / gradually reduce its use
What is the “permafrost”?
a thick subsurface layer of soil that remains below freezing point throughout the year
What is “net zero” in environmental talk?
a target of completely negating the amount of greenhouse gases produced by human activity
What is the “Global North / South”? Give one example of how it works.
The generic geographic, historical, economic, educational, and political division between North and South
What is “carbon sequestration”?
a process by which CO2 is removed from the atmosphere and held in solid or liquid form
What’s a CFO?
Chief Financial Officer, head of finances in a firm
What’s an NGO?
Non-Governmental Organization, works for the public good, independent of countries
Describe your “company” in one sentence to prospective investors.
(your answer)
What is the economy of One Unit?
Knowing the price of one unit / the cost of goods sold / your profit
Name 3 soft skills.
creativity, teamwork, endurance etc.
Explain "freelancing"
self-employed, works by contracts with different companies
What’s the difference between a profile line and an objective on a resume?
what you can give vs. what you are trying to get
Say 3 things you should avoid in a resume
fancy characters, too much detail, funny e-mail address, full sentences, too much “I”, typos / mistakes in language