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Christmas in the UK

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What did we make last year together?
A cracker
In advert 1, what year is it and what happened?
1914. A ceasefire during WWI on Christmas Day
Name 3 things British people eat during the Christmas meal
Roast turkey, roast potatoes, carrots, brussel sprouts, pigs in blankets, mince pies
Answer this question correctly... Did you see Santa Claus last night?
Yes I did/ No I didn't
For my Christmas meal last year, my Mum make roast turkey and any potatoes and vegetables. For dessert, I eat 20 mince pies but then I have a sore stomach and feel very sick. So this year, I eat more.
my Mum made, some potatoes and vegetables, I ate, I had, I am going to/ I will eat less.
In advert 3, what does the Hare give to the Bear for a Christmas present and why?
An alarm clock so that the Bear can wake up and celebrate Christmas with everyone
In advert 2, what did The Thomas' neighbours do at the end of the video?
They helped tidy the house and brought decorations and food. They shared their Christmas.
In which year was the first televised speech by a British monarch?
Picture Description: Say at least 4 things!
Well done!
What is this girl doing?
She is building a snowman.
On average, each Brit eats how many mince pies during the Christmas season?
True or False: A mince pie is a savoury snack
False! It's a sweet treat
Change the verb 'give' to a different verb in the following sentence... "Santa gives his reindeer lots of carrots"
Santa feeds his reindeer lots of carrots.
What does 'Eve' mean in Christmas Eve?
The evening before Christmas Day
What do you shout when the villain comes on stage during a Pantomime?
What are Pantomimes usually about?
Children's stories and fairy tales
What is a Pantomime
A Pantomime is a musical comedy theatre show
What is the meaning of Belén in English?
Nativity or Nativity Scene
Can you name 3 kinds of Christmas decorations?
Christmas tree, Baubles, Tinsel, Wreath, Stocking, Nativity Scene, Christmas lights