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Phrasal Verbs Gold Experience A2+ Unit 4
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 Private  Unlisted  Public

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I am so busy! I'm going to____________all day!
run around
take out
walk around
Gross! The trash smells bad. My brother didn't....
throw it out
jump up
hand in
This park is beautiful! I'm going to......
walk around
throw out
note down
My homework is late! I need to____________ my homework to the teacher.
hand in
jump up
cross out
The teacher said, _______________your notebooks.
take out
throw out
walk around
I can't sit any more I need to...
move around
note down
tell off
When the teacher is talking the students__________the information.
note down
lie down
settle down
I didn't give the teacher my homework! The teacher will...
tell me off
work in
note down
The teacher saw a snake and....
jumped up
walked around
told off
The opposite of sit down is....
stand up
throw out
move around
I wake up in the morning and then I...
get up
lie down
cross out
Oh no! I made a mistake! I need to_______the answer.
cross out
move around
take out
Students please...
sit down
run around
throw out
The students are making so much noise! They need to....
settle down
cross out
walk around
I feel really tired I think I'm going to....
lie down
move around
settle down