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Grade 10 Revision Ethnic Groups and Leadership s ...

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define the term Monogamy
practice of being married to only one person at a time
List THREE family types
Extended, nuclear, single-parent and blended
SILLY QUESTION How many days make up November
List TWO effects of substance abuse.
They neglect or abuse their families, Huge police resources are needed to fight smuggling, health problems, Financial and legal issues, may jeopardise a job
List TWO causes of Juvenile delinquency
Lack of attention, Peer pressure, Influence of mass media and Lack of opportunities
Name any THREE Social Issues.
Teenage Pregnancy Substance Abuse Juvenile delinquency homelessness/Street children Poverty Sexually Transmitted Infections Human Trafficking Child Abuse
which ethnic group is know for developing businesses in Jamaica?
Chinese and Indians
Give the name of a location the Europeans named in Jamaica,
Santa Cruz, Manchester, Seville, Hartford, Buckingham, Del la vega
Who were the first ethnic group to arrive in Jamaica?
Differentiate between the democratic and authoritarian leadership styles.
Autocratic leaders make all the decisions themselves. They do not consult their team, however Democratic leaders take an active role in
Give the name of any ONE leadership Type
1. Authoritarian (Autocratic) 2. Participative (Democratic) 3. Delegative (Laissez-Faire)
Give the name of any ONE leadership style.
1. Authoritarian (Autocratic) 2. Participative (Democratic) 3. Delegative (Laissez-Faire)
Name any TWO things the Europeans contributed to Jamaicas' culture.
Marriage- engagement, something old something new ect., throw bouquet and rice. Family- nuclear family type Birth- christening baby Dances- Maypole, Quadrille R
Name any Two contributions the Africans made to Jamaicas' culture.
Marriage- garments, gift giving and the ceremony Family- extended family type Birth- cutting navel string, mother stays nine days inside after birth Death- wake
What is the meaning of emancipation?
The ending of slavery.
enslavement/colonization The occupation and rule of one country by another is called?
Which ethnic group would blacks belong to?
Name any TWO major ethnic groups that came to the Caribbean?
Chinese, East Indians, Africans, Europeans & Chinese
Name any TWO major ethnic groups that came to the Caribbean?
Chinese, East Indians, Africans, Europeans & Chinese
ancestors /descendants People we are descended from are called?
ancestors/descendants People who come after us, our children and grandchildren are called?
ethnic group/ancestor A community or group of people who share common ancestors and a common culture often including a common history, religion, language and other characteristics is called?
ethnic group