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Conditionals : 1/2/3/Mixed

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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It _____ (be) great if I _____ (get) accepted to Cambridge University, but I think it's unlikely.
would be | got
I can't buy a Lamborghini because I don't have the money.
If I had the money, I would buy a Lamborghini.
Which two conditionals can be combined to form MIXED CONDITIONALS?
Second (present hypothetical) and Third (past hypothetical)
What is the FORM of the Third Conditional?
What is the FORM of the Second Conditional?
What is the FORM of the First Conditional?
IF + Present..., WILL + INFINITIVE
Georgia didn't win the race because she was tripped by another runner.
Georgia would have won the race if she hadn't been tripped by another runner.
Florian isn't miserable any more because he has landed his dream job.
If Florian hadn't landed his dream job, he would (still) be miserable.
Pay attention! You ______ (not understand) what to do unless you _____ (listen) to these instructions.
won't understand | listen
Put your phone away! You _____ (get) a detention if I _____ (see) it out again!
will get | see
These last few weeks ______ (be) so much more difficult if you _______ (not be) there for me the whole time.
would have been | hadn't been
I'm not a confident person, so I didn't ask Jenny to go to the dance with me.
If I was a confident person, I would have asked Jenny to go to the dance with me.
We can't travel at the moment, so I can't go to Brazil.
If we could travel, I could to go to Brazil
If the neighbours _____(not stop) making so much noise right this second, I ____ (call) the police!
don't stop | will/am going to call
I've got a terrible headache because I drank a lot of fizzy drinks last night.
I wouldn't have a terrible headache if I hadn't drunk a lot of fizzy drinks last night.
You _____ (not have) any ice cream unless you _____ (finish) your broccoli!
won't/can't have | finish
If British summers ____ (be) longer, more people _____ (go) to Cornwall for their summer holidays.
were | would go
Martin was late for his interview, so he didn't get the job.
If Martin hadn't been late for his interview, he (would/could/might) have got the job.
If it _____(rain) tomorrow, we ______(not/be able) to have a picnic.
rains | won't be able
I am hungry because I didn't have breakfast.
If I had had breakfast, I wouldn't be hungry.