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Form 2 First Term Exam Review

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The class a) paying b) payed c) paid to have the Christmas Party last year.
c) paid
______ I was waiting for the bus, I played Candy Crush.
Many people don't like to eat onions because they are too a) biter b) bitter c)bitterest. Pi
KFC is a good place for students to eat because ___ ____ a ________ menu.
it has/there is, cheap
________ a new Italian restaurant I want to try. Do you want to join me Friday night?
There is
I went to bed early ______ I was exhausted from Sport's Day.
____ you are very tall, could you reach up and get that book for me, please?
______ MTR station is opening in Wan Chai near the pier.
___ university degree is required to be a teacher.
The pansy is _______ (pretty) of all the flowers.
the prettiest
An apple watch is ______ (expensive) an apple.
more expensive than
Buildings without lifts are not _____ to people in wheelchairs.
You can go to Fortress to buy ______ like hair dryers and dehumidifiers.
electronics/ electronic products
I put our family photo in a ________ to keep it in good condition.
After ______ on the food, the class didn't have enough money to buy their class teacher a present.
During a test or an exam, the ______ must be very quiet and serious so students can concentrate on their work.
Not many people would say that Hong Kong is ______ since almost 8 million people are crowded on top of each other.
At KFC there is a _______ of chicken wings from which to choose. You can have spicy, sweet and sour or barbecued.
The smell of some soaps makes me sick to my stomach because they are heavily _____.
The ICC building is the largest building in Hong Kong. It is ______.
Earrings and bracelets are pieces of _____.
The class ________ for the Christmas party is $800.00.
One might say the food at McDonald's is not too expensive. It is _____.
You can look at the _______ to help you find a shop at a shopping centre.
store directory
People who can't stop shopping are called _____.
You can buy pens and fancy paper at a _______ shop.