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Aesop Fables
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Why couldn't the crow tip the pitcher?
It was too heavy
How did the crow solve her problem?
She put pebbles in to raise the water until she could drink it.
What was the crows problem in the Crow and the Pitcher?
She wanted to drink the water and couldn't get to it!
What is the moral of The Crow and the Pitcher?
Doing things little by little is just as good as doing things all at once
What kind of food was the crow eating?
How did the fox try and trick the crow?
He asked him to sing so the cheese would fall from his beak.
What is the moral of Fox and the Crow
Do not trust strangers who flatter you
What is the moral of the Fox and the Stork?
If you are mean to others they might be mean to you in return
How did the stork teach the fox a lesson?
She put meat in a jar that the fox couldn't get his snout into
Why couldn't the stork eat the soup?
Her beak was too long!