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Use these words in a sentence. a matter of time at the time time to kill
Use these words in a sentence. upside down inside out from top to bottom
Use these phrases in a sentence. Give someone a hand, in aid of, aid worker.
Use these words in a sentence. eccentric, calm, unapproachable.
Use these words in a sentence. album ,soundtrack, canned music.
Change this situation into a mixed conditional. You don't have a car, you couldn't drive me to the cinema last week. You didn't prepare for the holiday, you don't have enough clothes.
If you had a car you would have been able to drive me to the cinema last week. If you had prepared for the holiday, you would have enough clothes.
Make these situations into third conditionals. You were late for class. You didn't understand the lesson. She went to Greece, she missed my birthday.
If you hadn't been late for class you would have understood the lesson. If she hadn't gone to Greece, she wouldn't have missed my birthday.
Make these situations into 1st+2nd. conditionals. It might rain tomorrow. We want to have a barbecue. 1st I'm not rich. I want to buy a mansion. 2nd
If it rains tomorrow we won't have a barbecue. If I was rich I would buy a mansion.
without other people being present- in s____t not intentionally - by a______t one thing happening after another- in a r_w intentionally- on p__________e
in secret, by accident, in a row, on purpose.
Are these sentences correct? When were young we used to live in Malaga. When I was a child I would often go to the cinema. When you were younger would you be happier? We wouldn't go to the beach when I was a child.
Correct, Correct, Incorrect, Correct.
He said/told me he had finished. He denied do/doing the crime. They promised to not/not to tell my secret. He warned me/to me not to break the computer.
told me doing not to me
Put these sentences into reported speech. ''I want to go to the party.'' ''I am listening to you.'' '' She's finshed the exam.'' '' We can't go yet.''
He said he wanted to go to the party. He said he was listening to me. He told me she had finished the exam. They said we couldn't go yet.
I enjoy to play/ playing guitar. My sister hates to play/playing this game. He stopped in the street to talk/talking to his friend. He stopped to listen/listening to me and walked out of the room. I want to go/ going tomorrow.
playing playing to talk listening to go
Complete the sentences with 'what' and 'that'. _____ you need to understand is _____ I'm not happy. This is ______ matters, family and friends. Sometimes it is more important to listen to _____ others say. It is better _______ you try.
what, that, what, what, that
Where do we play..... tennis, football, ice hockey, boxing, surfing, swimming.
court, pitch, rink, ring, beach/sea, pool.
That's ..... we bought the fish. That's the restaurant ... sells fish. That's the dog .... I saw last weekend. He's the man ..... car is a Ferrari. She's the girl .... I met on Saturday.
where NO which NO which YES whose NO who YES