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How the economy works! Sectors of the economy.

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Transport is an activity in the _____________.
Spain is the world´s biggest producer of ______________.
Olive oil
The people in the picture belong to the_________________.
Tertiary sector.
The tertiary sector is also known as the ______________. Why?
Service sector. Because these jobs don´t make things; they provide services.
Heavy industry and light industry are part of the___________.
Secondary sector.
Construction and craft industries are part of the __________________.
Secondary sector.
Energy industries turn_____________into energy. (Give two examples.)
-Gas. -Coal. -Oil. -Water, wind or sand.
What is manufacturing?
The process of using the materials produced by the primary sector and converting them into finished products.
The place where we raise fish commercially in tanks (for food) is called...
A fish farm
What is deep-sea fishing?
-It is done far away from the coast. -Big boats with nets. -Bigger fish.
Forestry is important to obtain products that we use. However, if we cut down too many trees, what are some of the problems that this might cause? Tell me two.
Deforestation. Loss of species (animals and plants). Less oxygen in the atmosphere.
What´s the difference between dry and irrigated crops?
Dry crops grow with rain water. Ex.: olives and vine. Irrigated crops need a lot of water. Ex.: fruit, vegetables and rice.
What is open-cast mining?
Open-cast mining is the one done on the surface.
What types of farming do we have in Spain?
Arable farming (crops) and livestock farming (animals).
When we buy new devices (mobiles phones, laptops,...) from other countries, we... _______ (verb) these products.
When we sell Spanish cheese and vegetables to other countries we say that we... ________(verb) these products.
Primary production involves acquiring ____________.
Raw materials.