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Speed Zone:Super Fast Rockets
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Who designs the Rockets?
A guy named Ted
Peter Parker
Name a Speedy Rocket
Atlas V, Space Launch System - Orion, Delta Iv Heavy - Parker
Why do some Rockets have fins at the bottom?
They help keep the Rocket steady
They think they are fish
To go farther into space
Why are Rocket narrow/skinny?
It's Aerodynamic and reduces drag
They look cooler that way
Elon musk want them that way
Why are rocket frames built with lightweight material
Lighter Rockets need less power to gain speed
Because they are on a diet
Because the engineers are lazy
How many stages do most Rocket have?
Most have 3 but some up to 5
Only 4
What happens to the stages that fall off?
Drop in the Ocean or Burn in Atmosphere
Fall on peoples heads
FLoat into space
Why does each stage drop off from the Rocket?
To drop the wieght
Because it's bored
It got tired
It was an accident
Does each stage have it's own engine?
How does a Rocket travel into space?
In stages
All at once
In one big leap
What does thrust have to work/push against?
Gravity and drag
Dinosaurs and people
Santa and the Elves
What is the force called that pushes Rocket up?
Boom Energy
What pushes the Rocket up?
The hot gas pushed out by the engine
The little people on the ground
The Grinch
Santa's reindeer
When the Rocket engine burns fuel, it creates?
Hot gas
Fart noises
Cold gas
What does the engine burn?
Pumpkin Pie
How long does it take the Rocket to go 34 miles?
Just over 2 minutes
16 days
1 week
Where do rocket blast of to?
To Outer Space
To Disneyland
To Rocket playground
10...9....8....7... - is called the?
Chicken Dance
Play time
Astronaut Sing along
Where do Rocket take off from?
Noah's back yard
San Diego