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Local Government

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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In our neighbourhood we have a new stadium. Thanks to ......................... services.
Recreational & Town Planning
Who makes up the local council?
mayor and the councillors
Where do the mayor and the councillors make decisions?
in the Town Hall
The local police are NOT responsible for .....                              A. protecting people                      B. keeping the streets safe            C. bringing hamburgers to people
You must be 18 years old to .............. in local elections.            A. shoot a movie                              B. make a concert                            C. vote
Which service makes sure people drink clean water and have clean sewers?
Sanitation service/Water service/Water department
Which municipal service checks the food and kitchens in the restaurants and markets?
Food Hygiene Inspection Service
Who is the head of Local Council?
a Mayor
What is the function of Local Coucil?
Organising municipal services
How is the Local Council elected?
citizens vote/ voting/people vote/people choose it every 4 years