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Grade 10 Family Types Revision
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List TWO traditional roles of a mother
Reproduction Taking care of the children Good housekeeping Preparing food Providing love Keeping the children safe
List TWO traditional roles of a father
providing place to live, Earning a living, breadwinner Protecting the family Making decisions Disciplining the child
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE, How many parishes does Jamaica has?
list any TWO Factors that contribute to changing roles and responsibility
Industrialization Education Technology Woman’s Movement Laws for the protection of women Women’s Status
List any TWO family types.
blended, single, nuclear, extended
a man has more than one wife.
financial support that a person is ordered by a court to give to their spouse during separation or divorce.
True/False Socialisation of the child is first taught by the parents
What does it mean to be an economically viable family?
Parents can provide for the family's needs
Psychological readiness for parenting means
Being mentally and emotionally mature enough
It refers to how individuals are related to one another by blood, marriage or adoption.
Marlon and Carla are in an_____ relationship Marlon comes by every Wednesday to sleep with Carla.
NAME THE UNION TYPE, John and Mary live together with mark their 4 year old son but are not married
Common law union
True/False The primary role of the family is not that of socialization.
The term 'patrifocial' refers to _________.
a household where the father is the authority figure.
Define the term FAMILY
A family is a group of people related to one another by blood, marriage, or a strong common bond.
Your father's mother is your...
This family consists of parents, children, and other members like grandparents, uncles, aunts, and cousins.
Extended Family
This family consists of only the mother or only the father with the children.
Single-Parent Family
This family consists of a father and a mother with children from previous relationships.
Blended Family
This family consists of a mother, a father, and children.
Nuclear Family
This family consists of adopted children.
Adoptive Family