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Flowering and non flowering plant

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Plants are l...... t......
Living things
Flowering plant or Non- flowering plant?
Flowering plant
Is it flowering plant or non-flowering plant?
Flowering plant
Flowering or Non- flowering plant?
Flowering plant
Is it flowering plant or non-flowering plant?
Non-flowering plant
Plants need air, w.... and sunlight to grow.
Plants need a...., water and sunlight.
Is it flowering plant or non-flowering plant?
Flowering plant
The plants which cannot bear the flowers are called n........
Non- flowering plant
The plants which can bear the flowers are called f.........
Flowering plant
There are m..... kinds of plants.
Plants need air, water, s........ to grow.
Flowering or Non-flowering plant?
Non-flowering plant
Flowering or Non-flowering plant?
Flowering plant
Flowering or Non-flowering plant?
Flowering plant
Flowering or Non-flowering plant?
Flowering plant
Flowering or Non-flowering plant?
Non-flowering plant
Flowering plant or Non-flowering plant?
flowering plant
Is it flowering plant or non-flowering plant?
flowering plant
Is it flowering plant or non- flowering plant?
flowering plant