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Human Rights
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She served as the first Chairperson of the Commission on Human Rights and played an instrumental role in drafting the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Eleanor Roosevelt
He is an American who fought for black Americans' freedom and equality. His famous speech is called "I have a dream"!
Martin Luther King Jr.
This is the number of articles in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. They cover a variety of categories.
This international body was established in 1945 and creates policies that make the respect of human rights an international priority.
The United Nations
The horrors of this conflict had the international community agree that violations of human rights would not be tolerated.
World War 2
This was the year that the Universal Declaration of Human rights was signed
These rights pertain to participation in decision making and governance
Political Rights
The right to this is one of the reasons why you don't pay to attend public school.
Right to education
The right to this means you can live or work wherever you'd like.
Movement / Freedom of movement
The right to this ensures that the government will not eavesdrop on your phone conversations.
"Everyone has the right to ...................., liberty and security of person"
"All human beings are born ....................... and equal in dignity and rights"