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Renaissance Unit Test Review

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32. How did Michelangelo get back at the Pope for making him paint the Sistine Chapel?
He painted angels giving the Pope "the fig."
31. Why was Martin Luther upset with the Catholic Church?
The church was selling indulgences (fake tickets to heaven) to poor people.
30. Who was unhappy with Galileo's scientific findings?
The Catholic Church
29. How did science change during the Scientific Revolution?
People asked critical questions and did experiments.
28. What important change happened in Europe because of the invention of the printing press?
Information and ideas spread faster and to more people.
27. What is it called when you test an idea scientifically?
26. What did Medieval people blame the Black Plague on?
Breathing in air that smelled bad would make you sick.
25. What is this thing? Who made and used it?
Telescope. Galileo.
24. What is this statue called and who made it?
David by Michelangelo
23.  What is this painting called and who made it?
The Mona Lisa by Leonardo Da Vinci
22. What is one feature of MEDIEVAL art?
Flat, 2D, Ugly babies, Religious...
21. What is one feature of RENAISSANCE art?
Perspective, 3D, Realistic...
20. What did the Spanish Inquisition do to people in order to get them to confess for their "crimes"?
19. What animal is responsible for spreading the plague in Europe?
18. Name one of of Leonardo Da Vinci's inventions.
Tank, robot, machine gun, helicopter...
17. What part of the Sistine Chapel did Michelangelo paint?
16. Someone who breaks the Catholic Church's rules and goes against its teachings is called a ____________.
15. A belief in magic or the supernatural is called a ______________. Hint: One of the reasons why science didn't happen in the Middle Ages.
14. Someone who believes in the power and freedom of the individual is called a ____________.
13. The ability to read and write is called _______________.
12. An artistic technique that makes paintings look 3D and realistic is called _____________.
11. A ____________ is a wealthy person who pays for art.
10. The __________ was a rebirth or art and science in European society.
9.  A pus-filled, black, egg-sized lump is called a _____________.
8. The word _______ means to make changes to something in order to improve it.
7.  A ticket to heaven is called an _______________.
6. A _________ is a person who protested against the Catholic Church.
5. True or False: Galileo agreed with Aristotle's ideas.
4. True or False: The Printing Press contributed to the Protestant Reformation.
3. True or False: Martin Luther was NOT satisfied with the Catholic Church
2. True or False: Michelangelo wanted to paint the Sistine Chapel
1.  True or False: Dead bodies that were catapulted into cities spread the plague.