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Form 3 First Term review

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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We ________ (play) Baamboozle right now.
are playing
‘Please turn off the computer before you go home.’ (Mr. Wong to Jimmy)
Mr. Wong asked Jimmy to turn off the computer before he went home.
Susan/be/ the best painter in school – she/ practiced/ more.
If Susan practiced more, she would be the best painter in school. OR Susan would be the best painter in school if she practiced more.
You _______ go visit your grandparents since you haven't seen them since Septemeber.
should/ought to
There was an _______ silence when the teacher asked the student a too personal question.
Many students get _______ before tests and exams.
All teenagers want to be popular and ___ ___
fit in
Our teachers always _________ us to do our homework on time and study hard.
On Saturday mornings I like to go ______. It's my weekend __________.
cycling, exercise
It's important to practice good _______, especially since the pandemic happened.
Many teens go through a stage of having _______ on their face.
Meat, nuts and dairy provide our bodies with ______.
Teenagers like to have __________ from their parents because they ask too many questions.
We get ________ from ___________ like fruit and pasta.
energy, carbohydrates
We should eat a _______ ______ with lots of fruit and vegetables and healthy fats and protein.
balanced diet
What is the least amount of time you need to speak in the individual presentation?
1 and a half minutes
How many minutes do you need to speak?
2 minutues
How long do you have to prepare for the individual presentation?
3 minutes