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Grad8 Communication Revision
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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Differentiate between a Fact and an Opinion
A fact is a provable claim that is verifiable. An opinion is a personal belief or judgement that is not provable.
Name TWO Parishes located in the MIDDLESEX COUNTY of Jamaica.
Clarendon. Manchester. Saint Ann. Saint Catherine. Saint Mary.
In which parish will you find Dunns River?
St. Ann
True/False Spanish Town is a parishes of Jamaica?
How many parishes are in Jamaica?
Fact or opinion An island is completely surrounded by water.
Fact or opinion 3X5 =15
Fact/Opinion Sharks are ocean animals
Fact/Opinion Autumn is the most beautiful season of all.
Fact/Opinion A black bear is the most interesting animal in the forest.
Fact/Opinion Monday, Wednesday, and Friday are weekdays.
Fact/Opinion Your birthday comes only one day a year.
True/False An opinion, is a statement of fact; it tells how someone feels.
True/False A fact is a statement that is true and can be verified objectively, or proven.
List Two forms of communication.
Verbal, Non-verbal, Written and Visual
List Two forms of communication.
Verbal, Non-verbal, Written and Visual
What is an example of social network?
Whatsapp, Facebook, Instagram,snapchat
List Two examples of mass media
Newspapers Television Radio Cellphones
True/False Domains that are usually reliable are .gov, .edu, and .org
True/False if you are bombarded with pop-ups when visiting a website, you are probably on a reliable website.
True/False It is always a good idea to research other credible resources if you suspect something is fake news.
What's Mass Media?
Instruments of communication that reach large audiences with no personal contact between senders and receivers.
True or false: Media can persuade you to do something?
Define communication
Communication is a process by which information, feelings, ideas, opinions and other messages are transmitted and received.