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DOs and DON'Ts for the Holidays
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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Is this a DO or a DON'T?
These kids are working together to make cookies. Is this a DO or a DON'T?
Is this a DO or a DON'T?
These kids are working together to open a big gift. Is this a DO or a DON'T?
These children gave gifts to each other. Is this a DO or a DON'T?
Is this a DO or a DON'T?
These kids are using good table manners at Christmas dinner. Is that a DO or DON'T?
Is this a DO or a DON'T?
How does this person feel about their gift?
Upset, disappointed
This girl received a gift for Christmas. She said"Thank you for the present". Is that a DO or a DON'T?
These kids received a banana and an apple for a gift and said "Thank you for the present!" Is that a DO or a DON'T?
How does this girl feel about her gift? Is her reaction a DO or a DON'T?
Disappointed, Upset- Her reaction is a DON'T
Name the 5 words you say when you get a gift (even if you do not like it).
Thank you for the gift
Your friend gives you an ugly sweater for Christmas. You say "Thank you for the present". Is that a DO or a DON'T?
Your Mom gave you underwear for Christmas. You make a face and say "Ugggh! " Is that a DO or a DON'T?
Your Aunt gave you superhero pajamas. You say "Ummm, I don't like superheroes!" Is that a DO or a DON'T?
That is a DON'T!