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The Outsiders

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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WHat separates the West side from the East side of town?
railroad tracks
What sport does Ponyboy compete in?
track & field
What does Darrel/Darry do for a living?
a roofer (puts on roofs)
Who is the youngest Greaser?
How much money does Dally give Johnny and Ponyboy when they leave town to hide?
Who did Francis Ford Copolla dedicate the movie to?
students from a school in California who mailed him a letter asking him to make the novel into a movie
What is a "heater"?
a gun
What is the name of the town in the country where the church is?
Where does Sodapop work?
gas station/car repair
Name a famous band or singer from the 1960s.
Beatles, Elvis, the Doors, etc.
Name 1 man who was president during the 1960s.
Johnson, Nixon, Kennedy
What war was going on for the U.S. during the 1960s?
The Vietnam War
What do the Curtis brothers like to eat for breakfast?
chocolate cake
Who wins the rumble?
The Greasers
What novel do Ponyboy and Johnny read together while waiting for Dally at the church?
Gone with the Wind
Whose music does Buck Merrill play at his parties. Hint: Ponyboy hates it.
Hank Williams
Who goes into the church fire first?
Which Greaser is known for his shoplifting habit?
What can you see well from both the West and East sides of town?
the sunset
Who is the famous actor in the movie Ponyboy watches at the theater before walking home and getting jumped?
Paul Newman
Who wrote the poem, "Nothing Gold Can Stay?"
Robert Frost
Where does the novel take place. Name the city and state.
Tulsa, Oklahoma
Who is the author of The Outsiders? First and last name.
S. E. Hinton or Susie Hinton
Hold old is Johnny when he dies?
16 years old
Who is the oldest of the Greasers?