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FCE & CAE Speaking, Pt2, Silly, (Bam 006) (DPB)

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Pt2: How can fashion trends affect people's behaviour?
1) Speaking continuously 2) Answering Question 3) Collocation/Expression/Idiom
Pt2: What problems can arise from a workplace romance?
1) Speaking continuously 2) Answering Question 3) Speculation
Pt2: Why do some people always want more?
1) Speaking continuously 2) Answering Question 3) Speculation
Pt2: How can animals teach children about motivation?
1) Speaking continuously 2) Answering Question 3) Collocation/Expression/Idiom
Pt2: What factors should be considered when choosing a family pet?
1) Speaking continuously 2) Answering Question 3) Collocation/Expression/Idiom
Pt2: In what ways can pet ownership keep people active?
1) Speaking continuously 2) Answering Question 3) Opinion
Pt2: What can children learn from participating in work experience?
1) Speaking continuously 2) Answering Question 3) Collocation/Expression/Idiom
Pt2: In what ways can tattoos affect job prospects?
1) Speaking continuously 2) Answering Question 3) Collocation/Expression/Idiom
Pt2: Why might people make a special effort to be stylish?
1) Speaking continuously 2) Answering Question 3) Collocation/Expression/Idiom
Pt2: Why might people be overly concerned with first impressions?
1) Speaking continuously 2) Answering Question 3) Collocation/Expression/Idiom
Pt2: What factors do people consider when choosing a car?
1) Speaking continuously 2) Answering Question 3) Opinion
Pt2: Why might people choose to lie?
1) Speaking continuously 2) Answering Question 3) Connector
Pt2: In what ways can experience enhance a relationship?
1) Speaking continuously 2) Answering Question 3) Speculation
Pt2: Why do British people choose to celebrate in this way?
1) Speaking continuously 2) Answering Question 3) Speculation
Pt2: What are the benefits of being open-minded?
1) Speaking continuously 2) Answering Question 3) Collocation/Expression/Idiom
Pt2: Why has this woman chosen to exercise in this way?
1) Speaking continuously 2) Answering Question 3) Speculation
Pt2: How can mobile phones be a source of distraction?
1) Speaking continuously 2) Answering Question 3) Opinion
Pt2: Why might size be important to this man?
1) Speaking continuously 2) Answering Question 3) Collocation/Expression/Idiom
Pt2: What is important when planning your retirement?
1) Speaking continuously 2) Answering Question 3) Opinion
Pt2: How can selfies help people communicate? (30 secs)
1) Speaking continuously 2) Answering Question 3) Opinion
Pt2: How difficult is it to learn this sport? (30 secs)
1) Speaking continuously 2) Answering Question 3) Vocabulary x3
Pt2: Why might this person have paid for this service? (30 secs)
1) Speaking continuously 2) Answering Question 3) Collocation/Expression/Idiom
Pt2: What do people need to think about when operating heavy machinery? (30 secs)
1) Speaking continuously 2) Answering Question 3) Opinion
Pt2: What might motivate an obese man to run into a small child at full speed? (30 secs)
1) Speaking continuously 2) Answering Question 3) Speculation
Pt2: Why do some people enjoy drinking in this way? (30 secs)
1) Speaking continuously 2) Answering Question 3) Speculation
Pt2: Why do you think this person took up this sport? (30 secs)
1) Speaking continuously 2) Answering Question 3) Past Speculation