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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Carl is / isn't young
Carl isn't young
Describe Violet
student's answer
Tiana has got / hasn't got curly hair
Tiana has got curly hair
He is / isn't tall
he is tall
Gaston is / has got strong
Gaston is strong
Mulan has got / hasn't got wavy hair
Mulan hasn't got wavy hair
Pocahontas has got / hasn't got straight hair
Pocahontas has got straight hair
order: is boy the short
the boy is short
order: got Rapunzel has hair wavy blond
Rapunzel has got wavy blond hair
Describe Miss Incredible
student's answer
Describe Mr Incredible
student's answer
order: has a got moustache he
he has got a moustache
order: hasn't straight got hair Merida
Merida hasn't got straight hair
Has Meg got a ponytail?
yes, she has
order: a got ponytail has Meg
Meg has got a ponytail
order: isn't Mcgucket young
McGucket isn't young
Describe Jack Jack
student's answer
is Hercules strong?
yes, he is
is the second boy tall?
no, he isn't
Describe Edna
Student's answer
describe Dash
student's answer
has she got straight hair?
no, she hasn't
has he got a beard?
no, he hasn't
She is / has got glasses
she has got glasses
has belle got a moustache?
yes, she has
zeus has got / is a beard
Zeus has got a beard