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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Stella is definitely a better designer than the other designers at the company / FAR / Stella ____________ best designer at the company.
is by far the
Fifty years ago, cars were slower than they are nowadays / AS / Fifty years ago, cars _____ they are nowadays
were not as fast as
I _______ be able to meet you for lunch tomorrow, but I'm still not sure.
I'm quite keen ________ comic books. I adore them!
Paul won the prize for best story, _________ made his parents so proud.
I'm quite good _________ making up stories.
good AT
This game is not KEEN / PRIMARY / SUITABLE for children.
We stopped ON / OVER / THROUGH in Singapore on our way to Beijing.
stopped OVER
We COULD / MIGHT / MANAGED to get a great deal on our flights.
My sister is more sociable than me / AS / I __________ my sister.
am not as sociable as
It was such a loud concert that I had to leave / SO / The music ______________ I had to leave.
was so loud that
When Lisa was a child she didn’t like vegetables, but now she does / USE / Lisa ________ vegetables as a child, but now she does.
didn't use to like
'Let's get tickets for the concert', said Harry / SUGGESTED / Harry _______ tickets for the concert.
suggested getting / suggested [that] we [should] get
I started playing tennis five years ago / PLAYING / I ______________ for five years.
have been playing tennis
If you want to improve, I'd recommend signing up ________ tennis lessons next summer.
signing up FOR
Will I go to the party? It all depends ______ how I feel later.
depends ON
Those storms were EASILY / FAR / SLIGHTLY the worst weather we had that summer.
EASILY the worst
I remember HAVING / TO HAVE / HAVE a great time on our trip last summer.
I remember HAVING
Don't forget CALLING / TO CALL / CALL me when you arrive home.
forget TO CALL
I love going to the cinemas once in a TIME / WHILE / WEEK.
once in a WHILE