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Life in the Amazon Basin

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Where does the Ganga Brahmaputra basin lie?
In the tropical region, between 10 degree N and 10 degree south
Where are Kaziranga and Manas wildlife sanctuaries situated?
What does population density mean?
The number of persons living in one sq km.
Name the river on which Taj Mahal is loacted.
_______ is the staple food of the people of Ganga-Brahmaputra basin.
Fish and Rice
Kolkata is located on River _________
Pick the odd one out- Coffee, sugarcane, maize, cocoa
Slash and burn agriculture is also known as _________
Shifting cultivation
Identify this flesh eating fish found in the river.
The Amazon basin lies in the sub tropical region between between 10°N and 10°S. True/False
Name this special plant that can store water in their leaves.
The staple food of the people living the Amazon rainforest is paddy. True/False
_________ is a way of cultivating land where farmers clear a piece of land by cutting down trees and bushes.
Slash and Burn
Which is the largest snake found in the Amazon rainforest?
Identify this image (Hint : Large apartment-like houses with a steeply slanting roof)
Identify this bird
These small rivers which join the main river are called ________
The place where the river enters into another body of water is called ________
How is the weather in the Amazon rainforest?
Hot and wet climate
Which is the slowest animal in the forest?
Which continent is this?
South America