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Skeletal System

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Cheek bone
Smallest Bones of the body? Where are they located?
Incus Malleus Stapes - The Ear ?
Finger and Toe bones
When there is an outward curvature of the Spine
inward curvature of the Spine
When bones become porous this condition happens:
Heel Bone
Narrowing of the vertebral canal, nerve root canals, or intervertebral foramina, causing pressure on nerve roots it is called:
Spinal stenosis
Difference between a closed fracture and an open fracture?
When there is a break in the bone but no open wound in the Skin it is called: Closed Fracture
A local or generalized infection of the bone and bone marrow:
What is Rickets?
Osteomalacia in children
Carpal refers to
The bones in the wrist
What are Bone forming cells that actively produce bone tissue?
What is the term for bone formation and when does it occur?
Ossification occurs in fetal development
What is Calcium needed for?
Heartbeat, muscle contraction, and blood clotting
If the body suffers large amounts of blood loss, it can convert:
Yellow Marrow into Red Marrow to make more Blood Cells
The term Hematopoiesis and where does it occur?
Blood Cell Formation and it occurs in the red bone marrow 
What are two types of tissue found in bone?
Spongy and Compact
What are 4 major functions of the Skeletal System?
Support, Protection, Movement, Reservoir
What does the Skeletal System consists of:
Bones, cartilage, ligaments, tendons
Chronic, systemic, inflammatory disease that affects multiple joints of the body
Medical Term name used for breastbone
The process of blood cell formation
Surgical puncture of a joint with a needle for the purpose of withdrawing fluid for analysis
The membrane surrounding the bones is the
The spaces between the ribs are called
intercostal space
Cystic tumor developing on a tendon
ganglion cyst
Abnormal enlargement of the joint at the base of the great toe
Mature bone cells are called
The process of bone formation is called
A condition/disease in which the bones become abnormally soft due to a deficiency of calcium and phosphorus in the blood is known as
Each end of a long bone is known as a(n)
Attaches muscle to muscle
Attaches muscle to bone
The first seven pairs of ribs, that articulate with the sternum, are known as the
True Ribs