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EP2 Important Figures Review!
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What is a dynasty?
A family of rulers
After King Rama V died, Princess Dara Rasmi moved to live in _______ ______.
Chiang Mai
Dara Rasmi married King _______ and moved to Bangkok to live in the Grand Palace.
Rama 5
There was a rumor that Queen Victoria of _______ wanted to adopt Princess Dara Rasmi.
Princess Dara Rasmi was born in ________ _____.
Chiang Mai
TRUE or FALSE: Prudence means making good decisions
Where did King Bhumibol meet Queen Sirikit?
Paris, France
Who is King Rama 10's mother?
Queen Sirikit
Queen Sirikit was married to ___________.
King Bhumibol
TRUE or FALSE: King Bhumibol's royal projects helped many Thai students
TRUE or FALSE: King Bhumibol's royal projects helped many Thai pop stars.
What does cloud seeding do?
It makes it rain
What are the three parts of the Sufficiency Economy? A) Hamburgers, French Fries, Coca Cola OR B) Wisdom, Moderation, Prudence
B) Wisdom, Moderation, Prudence
King Bhumibol started many royal ________ to help Thai people.
What is King Bhumibol's other name?
King Rama 9
What is History?
The study of the past