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She CALLED ON/UPON Americans to be more tolerant of each other/ She went to the hospital to CALL ON a sick friend/ She would have to CALL ON/UPON all her strength if she was to survive the next few months (FML)
Ask SB formally t do ST/ Come to see SB; visit/ Use, ST esp a quality that you have, in order to achieve ST
Too much alcohol is INJURIOUS TO your health.
harmful (FML)
Would you DO ME THE HONOR OF accompanying me to the New Year Ball? (FML)
make someone proud and happy by doing or being something
Her handwriting is barely LEGIBLE >< His writing is almost ILLEGIBLE=> LEGIBILITY >< ILLEGIBILITY
Legible writing o print cn b read easily><(F writing o print) impossible o almost impossible t read bc f bein very untidy o nt clear
So did he POP THE QUESTION, then?
ask someone to marry you
romantic love that a young person feels for someone else, which usually disappears as the young person becomes older
The country has raised IMPORT DUTIES on consumer goods. Subject to/exempt from IMPORT DUTY (TIMPORT TARIFF) (TAX) (COMMERCE)
a tax placed on goods coming into one country from another
When one airline reduces its ticket prices, the rest usually FOLLOW SUIT
do the same thing
Printed books will soon be SUPPLANTED by e-books.
Replace (FML)
The child's mother made a PASSIONATE plea for help. Joe is PASSIONATE ABOUT baseball/ The Italians are said to be the most PASSIONATE people in Europe. A PASSIONATE kiss/embrace
having very strong feelings or emotions/ Having, showing, or involving strong sexual feelings
The new president was greeted by an ECSTATIC crowd=> Enormous crowds greeted him ECSTATICALLY.
extremely happy
She spent the afternoon LOOKING AROUND the town. When we went to Boston, we only had a couple of hours to LOOK AROUND
visit a place and look at the things in it
someone who behaves in a very formal and old-fashioned way and thinks that they are very important
Her bed is covered with stuffed animals. (US)
a toy animal made from cloth and filled with a soft material so that it is pleasant to hold
A collection of STUFFED birds/ "No more for me thanks - I'm stuffed." (IFML)
A stuffed animal o bird is filled w special material so tht it keeps the shape it had when it was alive/ (F a person) havin eaten enough o too much
energy such as heat, light, and sound in the continuous repeating pattern of waves
He gave a RADIANT smile when he heard her news/ A RADIANT heater, The RADIANT heat of the sun=> He was struck by the RADIANCE of her smile/ We basked in the RADIANCE OF the African sun.
Obviously very happy,o very beautiful/ Producin heat o light=>Happiness, beauty,o good health tht u cn see in SB's face/ Light o heat tht comes fm ST
By (a strange) HAPPENSTANCE they were both in Paris at the same time.
chance or a chance situation, especially one producing a good result (US)
Eventually they HAPPENED ON/UPON a road leading across the desert. (LITERARY)
find or meet something or someone by chance
Children should not eat highly FORTIFIED cereals/ FORTIFIED=> Sherry and Martini are FORTIFIED WINES. (A wine that contains more alcohol than wines usually do)
Having healthful substances added/ A fortified town has strong walls that can be defended against enemies.
They hurriedly FORTIFIED the village WITH barricades of carts=> Some of the old FORTIFICATIONS still exist/ I had a cup of tea as FORTIFICATION FOR the afternoon’s work.
Make ST stronger,esp in order t protect it=> Strong walls, towers, etc. tht r built t protect a place/ The act of fortifying ST
Sulphur dioxide is the main PRECURSOR OF acid rain. Biological research has often been a PRECURSOR TO medical breakthroughs.
something that happened or existed before another thing, especially if it either developed into it or had an influence on it (FML)
a person who gives up easily instead of finishing something
UNEXPLORED territory/ (An unexplored plan, idea,o subject is one tht has nt been examined t find out wht it involves)
An unexplored place is one where ppl hv nt been t find out wht is there/ The subject of alternative medical care for older people has been entirely UNEXPLORED.
These pills should EASE the pain/ She EASED the key INTO the lock/ The dollar/market EASES (Become lower in value) (FINANCE)=> She won the 400 metre race with EASE (The state f experiencin no difficulty, effort, pain, etc)
Make o become less severe, difficult, unpleasant, painful, etc/ Move o t make ST move slowly & carefully in a particular direction o into a particular position/
I'm always ON THE LOOKOUT FOR interesting new recipes=> KEEP A LOOKOUT FOR small objects that a baby might swallow.
Search fo ST o SB=> Continue t watch carefully fo ST o SB,esp so as t avoid danger
One of the burglars waited outside to act as a LOOKOUT/ LOOKOUT/ LOOKOUT (A place fm where a person can look at ST, esp at an area of natural beauty) (US)
A person who watches fo danger/A high place where a person cn look at wht is happenin in the area around em,esp so as t watch fo any danger/...
The car hit the curb and CAME TO REST in a ditch.
stop moving
We haven't COME TO a decision on the matter yet. Have you COME TO any conclusions about the story yet?=> So much effort and planning, and it's all COME TO NOTHING
If u come t a decision, arrangement, etc., u make a decision o decide wht t think abt st=> If plans come to nothing, they fail
I can't remember his name - it'll COME TO ME in a minute/ That COMES TO £25/ The war had just COME TO an end, His hair COMES right down TO his shoulders, He's tiny, he doesn't even COME up TO my chest! (Reach a particular point o state)
If a thought o idea comes t u,u suddenly remember o start t think abt it/ B a particular total when numbers o amounts r added together/ ......
He is rebellious, aggressive and at times SELF-DESTRUCTIVE=> Barrymore was a brilliant actor bent on SELF-DESTRUCTION
behaving in a way that is likely to make you fail or be harmed or killed
An investigation is underway after a missile SELF-DESTRUCTED shortly after it was launched=> At least he reached the semifinal before hitting THE SELF-DESTRUCTED BUTTON
If a machine o weapon self-destructs,it destroys itself,esp in a way tht is planned=>A characteristic in a person makes em likely t fail bc f their own actions
a military/peacekeeping OPERATION/ He has to have an OPERATION ON his shoulder (OP: IFML)=> He is director of OPERATIONS for a recruitment agency (The activities involved in a company producin goods o deliverin services) (MANAGEMENT)
An activity tht is planned t achieve ST/ An occasion when a doctor cuts a body fo medical reasons so as t repair, remove,o replace an unhealthy o damaged part
We expect the new system for assessing claims to come into OPERATION/ OPERATION/ Less profitable business OPERATIONS will have difficulty in finding financial support (A business org)
the fact f operatin o bein active/ The way tht parts f a machine o system work together,o the process f makin parts f a machine o system work together/......
The documents were sent by SPECIAL DELIVERY
the delivery of a letter or package that is quicker, and more expensive, than normal delivery
a SEVERE chest infection/leg injury/toothache/ This will be a SEVERE test of our strength/ The headteacher spoke in a SEVERE voice/ I don't like these SEVERE modern buildings (Completely plain & wo decoration)
causin very great pain, difficulty, worry, damage, etc;very serious/ Extreme o very difficult/Nt kind o showin sympathy;nt willin t accept other ppl's mistakes/
The child was SAVAGED by a dog=> Twelve thousand years ago, our ancestors were primitive SAVAGES living in caves. (OFFENSIVE)
If an animal savages SB, it attacks em violently & causes serious injuries=> A person whose way of life is at a very early stage of development
a SAVAGE dog/beast, A brutal and SAVAGE attack/ SAVAGE criticism/ SAVAGE cuts in education spending
Extremely violent, wild,o frightenin/ Very serious o cruel/ Very large & severe
They've FURNISHED the room very simply/ Jeanne’s catering company furnished all the food for the party. (FML)=> FURNISHED WITH a compass and sandwiches, they set off for a day's hiking.
Put furniture in ST/ Supply or provide ST needed=> Provide SB with ST
If a group f ppl r unanimous, they all agree abt one particular matter o vote the same way, & if a decision o judgment is unanimous, it is formed o supported by everyone in a group
After a lengthy discussion we reached a UNANIMOUS decision on the proposal=> Sportswriters UNANIMOUSLY picked him for the award.
CONSIDERING the weather, we got here pretty quickly.
Used t mention a particular condition o fact abt ST, usu a disadvantage
a person who asks people questions in an opinion poll (= a situation in which people are asked what they think about a subject), or an organization that manages opinion polls
A gang of youths were LOITERING outside the cinema=> He was arrested for LOITERING
move slowly around or stand in a public place without an obvious reason
the words that you write at the end of a business letter before you write your name, for example, 'Best wishes', 'Yours truly', 'Sincerely', etc.
She wasn't very COMPLIMENTARY ABOUT your performance, was she?/ As theater employees, we get COMPLIMENTARY tickets.
praising or expressing admiration for SB/ If ST is complimentary, it is given to u without charge
They supported SUPPLEMENTAL funding for disaster-hit areas/ SUPPLEMENTARY
extra (US)
Teachers often create SUPPLEMENTARY materials for their classes. (SUPPLEMENTAL, US)
added t ST else in order t improve it o complete it
(SLANG) That car is LIT. It was the most LIT party ever/ He's so LIT he can't even speak.
very good, enjoyable, or exciting/ Drunk or under the influence of drugs
A lot of new internet companies are HERE TODAY AND GONE TOMORROW
said about something that lasts only a short time
Well, I've never ridden a motorbike before, so HERE GOES!/ I’ve never been on a surfboard before, but HERE GOES!
said just before you do something brave or something that you have never done before/ (IFML) I am going to try this now
Caroline WASTED NO TIME in tackling her new responsibilities.
start doing something immediately
(IFML) Yesterday's meeting was a DEAD LOSS - nothing was decided/ I was a DEAD LOSS at languages at school. John was a DEAD LOSS - he just stood there and did nothing.
An activity or process that is not at all effective or successful/ A person who is not successful or useful
His wages are barely enough to KEEP BODY AND SOUL TOGETHER .
Be able to pay for your food, clothing, and somewhere to live
a place that is not a hospital where doctors offer care and advice relating to many different medical conditions. It is sometimes attached to a hospital.
(HR) Obtaining a pilot's license requires various documentation, including a MEDICAL CERTIFICATE
a document signed by a doctor that proves that someone is in good health or healthy enough do a particular type of work
She GRINDS HER TEETH in her sleep.
Make a noise by rubbing your teeth together
Shall I GRIND a little black pepper over your salad? They GRIND the grain into flour between two large stones/ He GROUND down the sharp metal edges to make them smooth. The car engine was making a strange GRINDING noise.
Make ST into small pieces o a powder by pressin btw hard surfaces/ Rub ST against a hard surface, so as t make it sharper o smoother
He was struggling so much it took three officers to HOLD him DOWN.
Keep SB or ST in a particular place or position and to stop him, her, or it from moving
(of a ship, boat, etc.) designed for travelling across large areas of ocean
a pause in a television or radio broadcast for the broadcasting station to give its name
Conditions in the prison were DIABOLICAL. His driving is DIABOLICAL!/ A DIABOLICAL genius
(IFML) Extremely bad o shocking/ Very evil but often intelligent
I'm reading the SEQUEL TO "Gone with the Wind"/ There was a dramatic SEQUEL TO last Thursday's scandalous revelations when the minister suddenly announced his resignation.
A book, film, or play that continues the story of a previous book, etc/ An event that happens after and is the result of an earlier event
GROUND down by years of abuse, she did not have the confidence to leave him/
Treat SB so badly for such a long time that they are no longer able to fight back
Drugs are too easy to GET AHOLD OF/ I'd like to GET AHOLD OF Debbie and talk to her about this.
Get ST/ Find o communicate w SB
The economic recovery is just beginning to TAKE HOLD now/ The economic recovery is just beginning to TAKE HOLD now. Fascism has never TAKEN ROOT in the United States.
Become strong; t b established/ Become established
Police resorted to STRONG-ARM TACTICS to break up the protest. (A strong-arm tactic/method)
A method or a type of behaviour that involves using force and threats to make people do what you want
We never STRONG-ARMED anybody. I told people about the website and they could take it or leave it=> The curfew is just another of the city's STRONG-ARM policies.
Use force & threats t make ppl do wht u want=> Involving force & threats t get ppl t do ST
They put him on the back of a horse and looped a NOOSE around his neck/ The NOOSE of poverty was tightening (= becoming more serious) daily.
One end f a rope tied t form a circle tht cn b tightened round ST suchas a person's neck t hang (kill) em/ A serious problem o limit
He was CHARGED WITH taking care of the premises (FML)/When a judge charges a jury, he or she explains the details of the law to them(US, LAW)/ She drove the car round the block to CHARGE (UP) its batteries.
Order SB to do ST/.../ Put electricity into an electrical device such as a battery
The violence began when the police CHARGED (AT) a crowd of demonstrators/ I've been CHARGING ABOUT/AROUND all day and I'm exhausted. He came CHARGING UP the stairs to tell me the good news.
Move forward quickly & violently, esp twards ST tht has caused difficulty o anger/ Hurry frm one place t another/Put enough explosive into a gun to fire it once
They CHARGE you $20 just to get in the nightclub. How much/What do you CHARGE FOR a haircut and blow-dry?/ She is CHARGED WITH murdering her husband/ The paper CHARGED her WITH using the company's money for her own purposes.
Ask an amount f money fo ST, esp a service o activity/ (The police) make a fml statement sayin tht SB is accused f a crime/ Publicly accuse SB f doin ST bad
She would COVER FOR her brothers when they came in late.
Provide an excuse for SB, or an explanation for ST that has gone wrong
There was no COVER CHARGE - she just wanted to provide a place for musicians to share their music.
A charge tht is sometimes added t the amount tht a customer pays fo food, drinks & service in a restaurant, o tht is added in a nightclub t pay fo entertainment
Toothbrushes should be replaced when the FILAMENTS become worn. Glass/silk FILAMENTS/ A tungsten FILAMENT
A thin thread o fibre f natural o artificial material/ A thin wire, especially one that lights up inside an electric light bulb
Many people are more interested in JOB SATISFACTION than in earning large amounts of money.
The feeling f pleasure & achievement tht u experience in ur job when u know tht ur work is worth doing, o the degree t which ur work gives u this feeling
By MUTUAL agreement/consent, MUTUAL benefit/advantage, MUTUAL respect/understanding/interest, A MUTUAL decision
Used to describe something that is done or felt by all or both people in a group
We must STICK BY our decision.
Continue t support ST o SB, esp in a difficult situation
He grabbed her, but she managed to BREAK AWAY/ Some members of the party BROKE AWAY to form a rival party/ The small radical faction BROKE AWAY from the independence movement.
Leave o escape frm SB who is holding u/ Stop bein part f a group bc u begin t disagree w the ppl in the group/ End a relationship or connection
a business TRANSACTION, We need to monitor the TRANSACTION of smaller deals/ (FML, COMMERCE) The Government is determined to make the UK the best place for the TRANSACTION of e-business.
An occasion when SB buys o sells ST, o when money is exchanged o the activity f buyin o sellin ST/ The process f doing business
They were charged with VIOLATING federal law/Questions of this kind VIOLATE my privacy and I am not willing to answer (go, esp forcefully, into a place o situation which should b treated w respect & in which u r nt wanted o nt expected t b)
Break o act against ST, esp a law, agreement, principle, o ST tht should b treated w respect/ ...../ Rape SB (IFML)
She lives in a HIG-RISE overlooking the river=> A HIGH-RISE apartment/flat/hotel
A tall modern building with many floors=> Used to describe a tall modern building with a lot of levels
I DON'T have A STITCH to wear (= I do not have anything suitable to wear) for this party tonight. She ran down the hall to the bathroom WITHOUT A STITCH on (= naked).
Without any clothes (IFML)
This button needs to be STITCHED back onto my shirt. STITCH the pieces together along the fold/ The operation started at 8 a.m., and Bobby was STITCHED UP by midafternoon.
Sew two things together, or to repair ST by sewing/ SB who has been stitched up has had a deep cut closed with stitches
A pearl/satin STITCH. The bedspread was embroidered with cross-STITCH/ I got a STITCH after running for the bus (A sharp pain in the side f ur stomach o chest, often caused by nt breathin enough when runnin o laughin)
A particular type f stitch made in sewin o knittin, o the pattern tht this produces
Her head wounds needed 50 STITCHES. He got hit with a broken bottle and needed five STITCHES in his cheek.
a length of special thread used to join the edges of a deep cut in the flesh
He cast on/off a STITCH (= added/removed a length of thread from the needle). I've dropped a STITCH (= lost a length of thread from the needle).
One of the small circles of wool that you make when you are knitting
Secure the two pieces together with a couple of STITCHES.
A piece of thread sewn in cloth, or the single movement of a needle and thread into and out of the cloth that produces this
He proceeded to RELIEVE HIMSELF against a tree.
Polite word for urinate
I'm on duty until 2 p.m. and then Peter is coming to RELIEVE me/ (FML) An armoured battalion was sent to RELIEVE the besieged town.
Take the place f SB & continue doing their job o duties/ Free a place that has been surrounded by an enemy army by military force
She was given a shot of morphine to RELIEVE the pain/ New toll roads could help RELIEVE congestion on other routes/ Emergency food aid to help RELIEVE the famine
Make an unpleasant feeling, suchas pain o worry, less strong/ Improve an unpleasant situation/ Provide relief fo a bad situation o fo ppl in need
CHRONIC diseases/conditions, There is a CHRONIC shortage of teachers=> The hospital provides care to CHRONICALLY ill patients for as long as they need it.
(Esp a disease o ST bad) continuing fo a long time
(FML) He gave me a bed for a couple of nights but I felt I was there ON SUFFERANCE/ He only visits his parents UNDER SUFFERANCE (OLD-FASHIONED)
With unwilling permission/ If someone does something under sufferance, they do it very unwillingly
Johnny SUFFERS FROM (is often ill with) asthma, I think he SUFFERED a lot when his wife left him/ The city SUFFERED another blow last month with the closure of the local car factory.
Exp physical o mental pain/ Exp o show the effects f ST bad
(FML) The drugs did nothing to ALLEVIATE her pain/suffering=> The ALLEVIATION of poverty
Make ST bad such as pain or problems less severe=> The act of making ST bad such as pain or problems less severe
Young adults particularly are at risk for SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED DISEASES (STD), Incidents of SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED ILLNESS continue to rise.
An illness that can be passed from one person to another by sexual activity
The specialist DIAGNOSED cancer. His condition was DIAGNOSED AS some type of blood disorder. She was DIAGNOSED WITH/AS having diabetes.
Recognize and name the exact character of a disease or a problem, by examining it
A TERMINALLY ill child/ A TERMINALLY naive college student (If SB o ST is terminally stupid, borin, etc., they r extremely stupid, borin, etc & tht will nt change)
If SB is terminally ill, they hv a serious illness & will die soon
sports that are done on snow or ice
A company car and a mobile phone are some of the PERKS that come with the job(IFML) (HR)/ Having such easy access to some of the best cinema and theatre is one of the PERKS of living in Sydney.
An advantage o ST extra, suchas money o goods, tht u r given bc f ur job/ An advantage