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Vision 2030

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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This Jamaican National Hero was our first Prime Minister _____.
Sir Alexander Bustamante
Who is Jamaica's National Heroine?
Nanny of the Maroons
“Out of many, one people” is Jamaica’s _____.
what is Jamaica's National Dish?
Ackee and Saltfish
who were the first inhabitants of Jamaica?
The Tainos
When did Jamaica gain independence
The main religion in Jamaica was influenced by which ethnic group? Africans/Europeans
Which ethnic group dominate the culture of Jamaica?
which parish is the Norman Manley Airport located?
What is the capital city of Jamaica?
Where is Jamaica Located?
the Caribbean
Name the colours on the Jamaican Flag
Yellow, Green and Gold
The government decides to launch a campaign to reduce the high levels of crime in the country. Which goal would the campaign be geared towards?
Goa #2 The Jamaican society is secure, cohesive and just
Complete goal #2: The Jamaican society is secure, _________ and just
Complete goal #1: Jamaicans are _____to achieve their fullest potential.
Which goal focuses on Jamaica as a healthy and natural environment?
Goal 4
What is nationalism?
belief that loyalty is to your shared culture NOT a leader
What is the national vision statement?
Jamaica, the place of choice to live, work, raise families and do business
TRUE / FALSE Vision 2030 is a strategic road map to guide the country.
How many goals does vision 2030 has?
what is the name of Jamaica’s National Development Plan?
Vision 2030