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CATALYST (CHEMISTRY)/ The high suicide rate acted as a CATALYST for change in the prison system
ST tht makes a chemical reaction happen more quickly wo itself bein changed/ An event o person tht causes great change
EGOMANIA=> Some celebs are just self-absorbed EGOMANIACS=> The office is filled with EGOMANIACAL workaholics.
The state f considerin urself t b very important & able t do anything tht u want t do=> SB who considers emselves t b very important & able t do anything tht th
a person you trust and share your feelings and secrets with
WHITE-COLLAR workers/unions
relating to people who work in offices, doing work that needs mental rather than physical effort
Until recently secretarial work and nursing were very much PINK-COLLAR professions.
A pink-collar job is one that is traditionally done by a woman (US), Relating to low-paying jobs that are traditionally done by women
BLUE-COLLAR workers.
relating to people who do physical work rather than mental work, and who usually do not work in an office
We swam ASHORE. A few pieces of wood had washed ASHORE. Strong winds blew the ship ASHORE.
towards or onto land from an area of water
He sent me some flowers BY WAY OF an apology.
as a type of
Famous actors often provide VOICE-OVERS for ads.
on a television programme, film, or advertisement, the spoken words of a person that you cannot see
The skater twirled AROUND AND AROUND
moving in circles
Managing the economy is a complex EQUATION of controlling inflation and reducing unemployment/ There is a tendency in movies to make the EQUATION between violence and excitement.
a difficult problem tht cn only b understood if all the different influences r considered/ The act f considerin one thing t b the same as o equal t another
In the EQUATION 3x - 3 = 15, x = 6/ CHEMICAL EQUATION (A statement containing chemical symbols, used to show the changes that happen during a particular chemical reaction)
A mathematical statement in which u show tht 2 amounts r equal usin mathematical symbols/ EQUATION
As president of the college, he REGENERATED a failing institution/ Tissue REGENERATES after skin is scratched. A lizard can REGENERATE its tail=> REGENERATION
Improve a place o system so tht it is active o producin good results again/ Grow again,o t make ST grow again, EG,new tissue o a new part (BIOLOGY)
The project was set up UNDRER THE AEGIS OF the university. (FML)
with the protection or support of someone or something, especially an organization
DRY AGING creates an almost nutty flavour. Flavour and tenderness are two products of DRY-AGEING=> It has all the richness one would expect from a DRY-AGED steak.
the process of leaving meat to hang or on a frame for several weeks before eating it
By this time all the wells had RUN DRY
If a river or other area of water runs dry, the water gradually disappears from it
Animals would produce more young IN THE WILD than they do in the zoo/ She lives somewhere IN THE WILDS OF Borneo.
In natural conditions, independent f humans=> In an area tht is far fm where ppl usu live & difficult t get t,& tht is nt considered easy t live in
Ur wildest dreams r ur hopes o thoughts abt the best things tht could happen in ur future=> St tht u say tht is nt based on facts & is probably wrong
a WILD party, WILD dancing/ Those are WILD trousers you're wearing, Maddy (SLANG)/ WILD land is not used to grow crops and has few people living in it=> I’m not WILD ABOUT apples.
uncontrolled, violent, or extreme/ Very unusual,often in a way tht is attractive o exciting=> Like ST a lot
(OLD-USS) She was BETROTHED TO her cousin at an early age=> The play revolves round the BETROTHAL of a duke to a doctor's daughter.
cause someone to promise formally to marry someone=> A formal promise to marry someone
If you need help, ask Mark - he's RUNNING THE SHOW (IFML)
be the leader, who is in control of a group of people doing something
Retirees must plan how to fill their hours or they risk FRITTERING the time AWAY
waste money, time, or an opportunity
AUXILIARY staff/nurses=> Semi-skilled AUXILIARIES/ (A soldier of one country who fights for another country)
givin help o support,esp t a more important person o thing=> A person whose job is t give help o support t other workers/...
A HOMOGENEOUS group/society, The population of the village has remained remarkably HOMOGENEOUS=> We're seeing chefs abandoning HOMOGENEITY in favor of innovation.
consisting of parts or people that are similar to each other or are of the same type
Debbie agreed to LET ME IN ON her plans.
tell someone about something that is secret, or to allow someone to become involved in something that only very few people are involved in
When you receive your order you must check the contents against the PACKING NOTE enclosed with the goods. (PACKING LIST) (PACKING SLIP) (COMMERCE, TRANSPORT)
a list of the goods that have been put into a package, or other container, for sending somewhere
This video shows you how to DISASSEMBLE a television set=> The DISASSEMBLY of nuclear weapons
separate ST into its different parts=> The process of separating a machine or structure into its different parts
I've had two job offers, and I'm IN a real QUANDARY ABOUT/OVER which one to accept.
a state of not being able to decide what to do about a situation in which you are involved
The president is clearly in a DILEMMA ABOUT/OVER how to tackle the crisis. She faces the DILEMMA of disobeying her father or losing the man she loves. A moral/ethical DILEMMA
a situation in which a difficult choice has to be made between two different things you could do
There are various PLOYS we can use if necessary. He only said he had a meeting as a PLOY to get her to leave.
something that is done or said in order to get an advantage, often dishonestly
I don't know what future CAREER PATH might suit me but I'm told I relate well to people. She followed an unusual CAREER PATH, in that she retrained relatively (HR)
the way that you progress in your work, either in one job or in a series of jobs
He keeps falling asleep ON THE JOB=> No formal qualifications are required for the work - you'll get ON-THE-JOB training.
If you do ST on the job, you do it while at work=> Happening while you are working
He does make a LIVNG WAGE but only by working 72 hours a week=> The Assembly approved a living-wage bill setting a minimum LIVNG-WAGE statewide.
Enough money t buy the things tht r necessary in order t live,suchas food & clothes
It is hard for low-skilled workers to earn their way out of poverty in a tough JOB MARKET that favors skilled and educated workers. (ECONOMICS, HR)
the number of jobs that are available in a particular place or for a particular type of work
Please TURN your old parking permits IN at the end of the week. Thousands of weapons were TURNED IN during the national gun amnesty/ (IFML)I usually TURN IN at about midnight.
Return st t an org o a person in authority/ Go to bed
a NATIVE of Monaco, The red squirrel is a NATIVE of Britain=> If a person who is in a foreign country GOES NATIVE, they begin to live and/or dress like the people who live there. (HUMOROUS)
a person who was born in a particular place, or a plant or animal that lives or grows naturally in a place and has not been brought from somewhere else
A native ability or characteristic is one that a person or thing has naturally and is part of their basic character=> The first language that you learn
She's a NATIVE Californian/ The horse is not NATIVE TO America - it was introduced by the Spanish.(Refer t plants & animals tht grow naturally in a place,& hv nt been brought there fm somewhere else)/ The NATIVE population
Relatin t o describin SB's country o place f birth o SB who was born in a particular country o place/..../ Relatin t the first ppl t live in an area
Don likes hockey, but he PLAYS DIRTY
(IFML) behave dishonestly, especially by cheating in a game
She was appointed chief executive WITH IMMEDIATE EFFECT. The company has announced the appointment of 13 new partners, WITH EFFECT FROM 1 July 2012.
Used to describe a change that happens immediately or from a particular date
On April 1 new sales taxes will COME INTO EFFECT (TAKE EFFECT)=> The aim is to develop new management strategies and PUT/BRING THEM INTO EFFECT
Start workin o bein used=> Start using ST or making it work
This is a movie worth seeing for its EFFECTS alone. (SPECIAL EFFECTS)/ It says on the form that the insurance covers all personal EFFECTS. (A person's possessions, esp after their death)
lighting, sounds, & objects tht r specially produced fo the stage o a film & r intended t make ST tht does nt exist seem real/ (LAW)....
So IN EFFECT the government have lowered taxes for the rich and raised them for the poor=> He said something TO THE EFFECT that he would have to change jobs if the situation continued. (TO THAT EFFECT)
in fact, or in practice=> Used to express that what you are reporting is only a short and general form of what was really said
They had to wait ten minutes for the anaesthetic to TAKE EFFECT before they stitched up the cut=>I get the impression that she uses bad language in meetings FOR EFFECT
Produce o achieve the results u want=> If you say or do ST for effect, u intentionally do it to shock ppl o attract their attention
The radiation leak has had a disastrous EFFECT ON/UPON the environment/ When do the new driving laws come into EFFECT?=>As a political party they are trying to EFFECT a change in the way that we think about our environment.
the result f a particular influence/ (Esp. of rules or laws) official or legal use=> Achieve ST and cause it to happen (FML)
Volunteers turned out IN FORCE to plant pines, crab-apple trees, and lilac bushes/ New regulations limiting fishing on this river are now IN FORCE
in large numbers/ If laws, rules, or systems are in force, they exist and are being used
She needed INTENSIVE CARE for three weeks/ He nearly died in the accident and was in INTENSIVE CARE for over a month (THE INTENSIVE CARE UNIT)
(in a hospital) continuous treatment fo patients who r seriously ill, very badly injured, o who hv just had an operation/ The part f a hospital tht provide IC
The builders worked on wooden platforms, SUSPENDED by ropes from the roof of the building/ The drug is SUSPENDED in a saline solution.
Hang/ If small pieces of solid material are suspended in a gas or a liquid, they hang or float in the gas or liquid
The ferry service has been SUSPENDED for the day because of bad weather/ (If SB is suspended fm work, school, etc., they r temporarily nt allowed t work, go t school, o take part in an activity bc f havin done ST wrong)
Stop ST fm being active, either temporarily o permanently/ She was SUSPENDED FROM school for fighting.
The country's foreign minister said that it was important for small nations to STICK TOGETHER/ The two brothers always STICK TOGETHER at school.
If people stick together, they support and help each other(IFML)/ If people stick together, they stay close to each other
having a face that looks attractive in photographs, having an appearance that is attractive in photographs
The garden strawberry is a large-fruited HYBRID. The animal looks like a HYBRID of a zebra and a horse/ His work is an interesting HYBRID of popular and classical music
A plant o animal tht has been produced frm 2 different types f plant o animal, esp t get better characteristics/ ST tht is a mixture f 2 very different things
The department has issued a new document MAPPING OUT its policies on education. His future is all MAPPED OUT ahead of him.
Plan something in detail
(FML) Dinner was somewhat delayed on account of David's rather TARDY arrival.
Slow or late in happening or arriving
Voters gave their VERDICT ON the government's economic record last night by voting overwhelmingly for the opposition/ We disagree with this jury's VERDICT. A VERDICT of guilty/not guilty
SB's opinion or judgement about ST/ An official decision made in a court at the end of a trial
The government has brutally crushed the REBELLION/ A backbench REBELLION against the new foreign policy (Action against those in authority, against the rules, o against normal & accepted ways f behavin)
Violent action organized by a group f ppl who r tryin t change the political system in their country
The SCOURGE OF war/poverty/drugs=> The country has been SCOURGED by (= has suffered very much because of) famine in recent years.
ST o SB tht causes great suffering o a lot f trouble=> Cause great suffering or a lot of trouble
We've got PLENTY OF time before we need to leave for the airport. This car cost me PLENTY (a lot of money). There's PLENTY MORE beer in the fridge=> Strawberries are in PLENTIFUL supply this year=> He was PLENTY mad.(IFML, ADV)
(The state f having) enough o more than enough, o a large amount
Sam said it would never sell, but when he sees these sales figures he'll have to EAT HIS WORDS
Admit that something you said before was wrong
(FML)He has ATTAINED the highest grade in his music exams/ You need financial security in order to ATTAIN emotional well-being=> You need to set goals that are clear and ATTAINABLE=> Abiola pledged his life to the ATTAINMENT of justice.
Reach or succeed in getting ST/ Achieve ST difficult to do or obtain
STEALTHY footsteps/ He tried to justify high and sometimes STEALTHY taxation/ These STEALTHY digital aircraft are vital for the future.
Quiet & careful so as nt t b seen o heard/ Secret, so tht ppl do nt realize wht is happenin/ (Of an aircraft, ship, etc.) unable to be seen on radar
WHOLESOME food good, WHOLESOME family entertainment He looks like a nice, WHOLESOME young man.
Good for you, and likely to improve your life either physically, morally, or emotionally
A HEALTHFUL diet includes lots of green vegetables. (US)
Helping to produce good health
a famous man, often a singer or an actor, who is attractive to many women
The number of old German cars still on the road ATTESTS (TO) the excellence of their manufacture(FML). Couples must ATTEST TO being in a committed relationship/ The will must be ATTESTED by two witnesses (FML,LAW)=> ATTESTATION
Show ST o say o prove tht ST is true/ Sign a document t show tht u were present when it was signed by SB else
And can I have two large pizzas with THE WORKS (= with all available types of food on top)=> A steel/iron WORKS/ If you take the back off this clock, you can see ITS/THE WORKS (The parts of a machine, especially those that move)
Everything tht u might want o expect t find in a particular situation=>An industrial building, esp one where a lot f ppl r employed
The changes in air quality are small, but after a while they do ADD UP and affect people's health/ Watson claimed he was at home at the time of the murder, but police said his story didn't ADD UP/ He quickly ADDED UP the figures in his head
Increase gradually until there is a large amount/ Seem reasonable o likely/ Calculate the total of two or more prices, numbers, etc.
Mercantile agents must possess a bill of lading or other DOCUMENT OF TITLE with the consent of the owner. (LAW)
A legal document that proves that someone owns property or goods or has the right to take control of it or them
Official/confidential/legal DOCUMENTS, They are charged with using forged DOCUMENTS=> His interest in cars has been well-DOCUMENTED (= recorded and written about) by the media.
A paper or set of papers with written or printed information, especially of an official type=> Record the details of an event, a process, etc.
A man SNATCHED AT my bag, but he didn't get it.
try to take hold of something
Stevie Wonder was among the HONOREES at the annual Songwriters Hall of Fame Awards ceremony.
a person who has won a prize, especially one given to them at a special ceremony (US)
A six-PACK of beer, A twin-PACK of soap, A multi-PACK of toilet paper (-PACK)
used in combination with an amount to show that that many of a particular type of goods have been wrapped and are being sold together
PACK/ Hold this ice PACK to your head to stop the bruising (a thick mass of cloth, etc. that can be put on an injury to stop any bleeding or swelling)
A thick mass f a substance, often like clay, tht is used as a beauty treatment fo the face
A PACK of thieves, A PACK of journalists was waiting outside the White House/ A PACK of cigarettes/gum
A group f similar ppl,esp one that contains ppl whose activities u don't approve f/A small paper o cardboard container in which a number of small objects r sold
The information pack consists of a brochure and a map/ A wolf PACK, A PACK of wild dogs/ My uncle was the leader of my Cub PACK
A group, set, o collection f ST/ A group f animals, such as dogs, tht live &o hunt together/ An organized group of children who are brownies or cubs
Thousands of fans are PACKING INTO the stadium/ The wind has PACKED the snow against the garage door/(US, SLANG) PACK a gun, Each missile PACKS several warheads.
Come or bring together in large numbers or to fill a space/ (Cause to) form into a solid mass/ Carry ST, esp a gun
She PACKED a small suitcase for the weekend/ She PACKED the vase in tissue paper to protect it.
Put ST into a bag, box, etc/Put a material around ST before puttin it into a bag, box, etc. so tht it will nt break o b damaged
(FML)The family's OCCUPANCY of the apartment lasted only six months/ Average OCCUPANCY at Florida hospitals is now 49 percent.
SB's use f a room o buildin fo the purposes f livin o workin/The number of things, such as rooms, that are being used, in relation to the total number available
The fence is made of panels that OVERLAP (each other)/ My musical tastes don't OVERLAP with my brother's at all=> The roof tiles will need an OVERLAP of several centimetres (The amount by which two things or activities cover the same area)
Cover ST partly by goin over its edge; cover part f the same space/If 2 o more activities, subjects, o periods f time overlap, they hv some parts tht r the same
(FML) It purports to be an EXPOSITION of Catholic social teaching/ (EXPO)The San Francisco EXPOSITION
A clear & full explanation f an idea o theory/ A show in which industrial goods, works f art, etc. r shown t the public
If you have any woolyarn TO SPARE when you've finished the sweater, can you make me some gloves? I caught the plane with only two minutes TO SPARE
left over or more than you need
SPARE A THOUGHT FOR me tomorrow, when you're lying on a beach, because I'll still be here in the office!
think about someone who is in a difficult or unpleasant situation
We will SPARE NO EFFORT/EXPENSE to find out who did this.
Use a lot of effort, expense, etc. to do something
In case I lose my key, I keep a SPARE in the garage.
An extra thing that is nt bein used & cn b used instead f a part tht is broken, lost etc/A piece tht cn b used t replace another similar piece in a car o device
They asked him to SPARE the women and children/ Luckily, I was SPARED the embarrassment of having to sing in front of everyone/ Could you SPARE me £20?
Nt hurt o destroy ST o SB/ Prevent SB frm having t exp ST unpleasant/ Give time, money, o space t SB, esp when it is difficult fo u
A SPARE key/tyre, SPARE sheets and blankets/ (Literary)He had the SPARE build of a runner/ (LITERARY)The interior is SPARE, almost minimalist.
If ST is spare, it is available t use bc it is extra/ Tall and thin/ Plain and not decorated
The lawyers DREW UP a contract over the weekend.
Prepare something in writing, esp. plans or a formal document
An ADDENDUM TO the contract stated that the buyer would be responsible for all transportation costs.
ST that has been added to a book, speech, or document/ Extra information added at the end of a report, letter, contract, etc.
These riots are A SIGN OF THE TIMES
ST that is typical of the (bad) way things are now
As it's Friday, I think I'll sign off early today (US)/ SIGN OFF
Stop doing your work or a similar activity for a period of time/ End a conversation or a television or radio broadcast
Both sides SIGNED OFF ON a legally binding agreement last month.
Approve something officially
The police were accused of MISHANDLING the investigation.
Deal with something without the necessary care or skill
After having five children, she decided to be STERILIZED/ All equipment must be STERILIZED before use=> STERILIZATION=> STERILIZER (A MACHINE...)
Perform a medical operation on someone in order to make them unable to have children/ Make ST completely clean and free from bacteria
I don't blame him for getting angry - she's being really annoying. "I decided to leave." "I DON'T BALME YOU!"
said in order to tell someone that you understand why they are doing something and that you agree with the reason for doing it
The hot weather IS partly TO BLAME FOR the water shortage.
be the reason for something that happens
FACTIONALISM was tearing the party and the country apart. We want to rid the movement of FACTIONALISM.
a situation in which a group forms within a larger group, especially one with slightly different ideas from the main group
the left-wing FACTION of the party=> FACTIONAL leaders, The alliance is divided by FACTIONAL infighting.
A group within a larger group, especially one with slightly different ideas from the main group=> INVOLVING .......
Analysts expect the store to concentrate on clothing and other SOFT GOODS. (US)
a general name for curtains, furniture coverings, and other things made of cloth that decorate a room
Bathroom FURNISHINGS are in the basement of the store. (PROPERTY)
the furniture, curtains, and other decorations in a room or building
Parents enjoy BOASTING ABOUT their children's achievements/ Ireland BOASTS beautiful beaches, great restaurants, and friendly locals=> It is her proud BOAST that she has never missed a single episode of the show=> BOASTFUL
Speak too proudly o happily bout wht u hv done o wht u own/ Hv o own ST t b proud f=> ST u r proud f & like t tell ppl bout=> Praising urself & wht u hv done