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What technique did Leonardo da Vinci used to paint the Monalisa?
What is the style of Monalisa?
Who painted the Monalisa?
Leonardo da Vinci
What's the name of this paiting?
What techniques did Monet used to paint the Water Lilies?
Light Brushstrokes, Light colors, Real Pictures
What's the name of this painting?
Water Lilies
What was his style?
Who is this painter?
Claude Monet
What's the name of this painting?
Cafe Terrace at Night
What's the name of this painting?
Starry Night Over the Rhone
What's the name of this painting?
The Starry Night
Can you say what techniques did Van Gogh use?
Strong Brushstrokes, Dark Colors, Emotions, Movement.
What was Van Gogh style?
What's the name of this painter?
Vincent Van Gogh