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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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3 crabs were walking around. Some more joined them. Then there were 10 crabs. How many crabs joined them?
7 crabs
19 bears are in the cave. Some bears left. Now there are 15 bears. How many bears left the cave?
4 bears
8 fish were swimming in the ocean. Some fish swam away. Now there are 4 fish. How many fish swam away?
4 fish
7 bunnies were sitting in the park. Some bunnies hopped away. 2 bunny were left in the park. How many bunnies hopped away?
5 bunnies
6 pigs are in the mud. Some of the pigs get out of the mud. Now there are 4 pigs in the mud. How many pigs got out of the mud?
2 pigs
Jack had 10 grapes. He ate some. Now he has 4 grapes. How many grapes did he eat?
6 grapes
Jamie had 2 stickers. Her friend gave her some more. Now she has 7 stickers. How many stickers did her friend give her?
5 stickers
Jill had 3 books. Her parents gave her some more books. Now she has 9 books. How many books did her parents give her?
6 books?
Victor had 3 apples. His mom gave him some more. Now Victor has 7 apples. How many apples did his mom give him?
4 apples
Nora had 4 crayon Her teacher gives her some more. Now she has 9 crayons. How many crayons did Nora get from her teacher?
5 crayons