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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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P1 José must pass the exam to graduate as a doctor. P2 José failed the exam. C José did not graduate as a doctor.
P1 Maximillian is a shelter dog. P2 All shelter dogs are happy. C Therefore, he is happy.
P1 Maximilian is a shelter dog. P2 He is happy. C All shelter dogs are happy.
P1 All of our snowstorms come from the north. P2 It's starting to snow. C Therefore, the storm is coming from the north.
P1 Most of our snowstorms come from the north. P2 It's starting to snow. C This snowstorm must be coming from the nor
P1 My mother is Irish. P2 Everyone from Ireland has blond hair. C Therefore, my mother has blond ha
P1 My mother is Irish. P2 She has blond hair. C Therefore, everyone from Ireland has blond hair.
P1 The first lipstick I pulled from my bag is red. P2 The second lipstick I pulled from my bag is red. C Therefore, all the lipsticks in my bag are red.
P1 The first lipstick I pulled from my bag is red. P2 All lipsticks in my bag are red. C- Therefore, the second lipstick I pull from my bag will be red, too.
P1 All the swans I have seen have been white. P2 My friend has a swan in her garden. C Therefore The swan in my friend's garden is white.
P1 99% of philosophy students become rich. P2 Lisa is a philosophy student. C. Therefore Lisa will become rich.
P1 My uncle has a cat. P2 All cats are cute, furry creatures. C Therefore, my uncle's cat is a cute furry creature.
P1 The 10 postmen I have met have had a beard. P2 Graham is a postman. C Therefore, Graham has a beard.
P1 Yu Jin is a student at CAP. P2 Students at CAP are never late for lessons. C Therefore, Yu Jin is never late for lessons.
P1 All human beings are mortal. P2 Jimmy is a human being. C Therefore, Jimmy is mortal.
P1 The sun is shining today. P2 The sun shone yesterday. Therefore, The sun will shine tomorrow.