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Native American "Monsters"

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The - Deer, Elk, Caribou - Woman could lure those who had harmed women and children to their deaths.
The Qalupalik was an Inuit Sea Monster that would snatch children if they got too close to what?
The sea shore (water)
Some mythological creatures are able to lure their victims through song: true or false?
Two-Face is a monstrous being who murders his victims with his razor-sharp - hands, elbows or feet?
A lesson from the Wendigo and Skinwalker tales are to not be selfish and greedy. True or False?
Skinwalkers attacked during the day and were from Abenaki legend. True or False.
The Wendigo was a giant man-eating creature that was popular in Algonquin legend. True or False?
The Uktena was a horned water - serpent, fish, bird - in Cherokee legend that had poisonous breath.
In Navajo folklore if you see dust spinning in a - clockwise or counter-clockwise - direction you are in the presence of Dust Devils.
The - rock, tree or stick - people are said to be able to disorient wanderers in the woods with mind control powers and sometimes steal children.
The Native American "Voldemort" who wanted you to look at it so it could cut you had how many faces?
What kind of "sickness" could someone get by not properly burying the dead?
This animal is most closely associated with the Skinwalkers because it is a "trickster."
The Piasa Bird was a mythological man-eating dragon that lived along which river in America - Nile, Mississippi or Rhine?
The Stiff-Legged - Moose, Wolf or Bear - was a giant carnivorous monster that terrified Native tribes in the Northeast
This giant cannibalistic creature from Algonquin legend preys on people who wander alone at night
If someone killed a close friend or family member they could become what in Navajo legend?
A Skinwalker
What season and what time did the Wendigo appear?
In winter and at night
The Camazotz was a Maya God worshipped by pregnant women but feared by all others. What flying animal that usually lives in caves was it?
A (death) bat
The Teihiihan were a race of cannibalistic - dwarves, trolls or giants - who preyed on tribes living in the Plains.
This aquatic, giant, snake-like monster is named after a lake in Montana.
Flathead Lake Monster
What tribe tells the tale of the Skinwalkers?
This flying body part is a cannibalistic monster seeking vengeance for the murders of elders.
Flying Head
It is said this animal was created from the eye of an evil witch.